Where there's a Weewoo, there's a way Circulation: 197,022,178 Issue: 957 | 1st day of Eating, Y24
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Continued Series

Another Hero's Journey...to Krawk Island

“More importantly…” Muirgen glanced at Reuben. “Wilhelm kidnapped you from Meridell and brought you here so you could make weapons for him?”

by precious_katuch14
The Fate of Valeane

"Isobel took the opportunity while the boat cut through the waves to sit back and take stock of the situation. She took a small crystal ball from her store and rubbed it once, dispelling a small amount of magic into it. The thing began to shimmer and a moment later Queen Fyora’s face appeared within the lattice’s depths."

by herdygerdy
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"Clash of Holidays: An Account of Magic VS Thievery" by sleepiestkitty
A green clawed hand waved away the pink Acara’s image from the bubbly surface of a cauldron. “Neopia News One! Bah!” Reflected back at the speaker in its mirrored centre was the bitter face of Edna — one of Neopia’s most feared witches. Her mouth was twisted as if she tasted something sour. And perhaps she did. It was the taste of their foolishness. Because how dare they alert the public of a minor mishap!

Other Stories


O Lupesomem Brasileiro (Portuguese)
"A consequência de toda essa história foi a punição de Licaon, que foi transformado em um Lupe – com pelos amarronzados, olhos esverdeados como a pedra preciosa Jade, e garras afiadas como navalhas – capazes de cortar até mesmo o mais forte dos materiais."

by guga_dodi


Clash of Holidays: An Account of Magic VS Thievery
"Something has happened! It appears that there was a glitch in the switch to Beta and all of the Neopian holidays have been released. Keep a watchful eye for anything unordinary, and make sure to report all suspicious activity to TNT."

by sleepiestkitty


30 Ways to Prank Dr. Sloth
"Playing pranks is only a natural part of the Neopian experience."

by treeword


Top 10 Neopets April Fools Jokes through the Years
"Since then, TNT has been surprising users with funny, strange, and sometimes terrifying April Fools pranks each year on the 1st day of the month of Eating." collab with coconut_rat and corrina404

by theguy2020


Neordle 4
Another Neordle!!

by darkroast


Missed your every 50th NT publication?
You'll get there!

by f0gged

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