Meow Circulation: 197,004,487 Issue: 956 | 18th day of Running, Y24
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Continued Series

The Swash-buckling Ballad of a Vandagyre

the penultimate chapter!

by flufflepuff
The Ninja and the Pirate King

the final chapter of this swashbuckling tale

by crazyboutcute
The Blooms of Shenkuu: Legacies

The finale chapter to this Shenkuu Story

by exanomaly
My Journey to Faerieland

The finale to this faerie feature!

by black_skull725
The Fate of Valeane

“Though if you would be so kind as to convene the whole council, I fear it is a matter that all of you will wish to be involved in. We believe the Darkest Faerie may be involved.”

by herdygerdy
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Illusen's Quest Trophy Guide

Illusen's Glade. Serene, peaceful and wonderfully green. Here is my guide to completing her quests and getting that adorable high score trophy, and maybe even an avatar! As you enter her glade, the kind Earth Faerie is ready to give you errands that will send you running around Neopia like a mad Drackonack... I mean, running to the shop wizard at full speed!

Other Stories


Illusen and the Chocolatier
"When he looked up to see who it was, he gasped, and so did the Scorchio..."

by precious_katuch14


Castle Planner's Journal: The Crypts
"Anyway, it's happened again. The gardeners are complaining that the flowerbeds are still flooding! The gardens won’t look pretty this summer without flowers!”

by ferretboy85


How to Brighten Your Illusen-esque Customs
"...In order to bring out Illusen's greens and browns, I needed to add just a touch of red and blue!"

by swordlilly


What to Do if You Missed Jhudora Day
"...Here are a few simple steps you can take to possibly prevent horrible misfortune from falling upon you as consequence for your chronic forgetfulness."

by acwellen


Illusen’s Day Special Crossword!
Another Illusen-themed crossword puzzle to keep the celebrations happening all weekend long! collab with gabi100pitty and aninha_morango

by dollsuki


St. Patrick's Day Word Search
Try your luck at this green-themed word search!

by brookexashleyy

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