Sanity is forbidden Circulation: 196,274,205 Issue: 903 | 5th day of Relaxing, Y22
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Continued Series

The Move

I was excited for this kind of day. I loved visiting my cousins but my favourite cousins were on Roo Island...

by hannahcreep
The Krawk Island Adventure

Tristan and Litana stammered out mumbled excuses, panickedly glancing at Squire for backup... Also written by ceara52

by therainbowsheep
~The Golden Quill~

Amy was really diving into her journey of writing fantastic pieces and she felt more and more confident the more she worked on her writing pieces...

by mystify
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Ten More Cutest Trophies in Neopia

Earning trophies and appreciating cuteness are two things that many of us love to do, but it's not often you get to do both at once! In this follow-up to our article "Ten Cutest Trophies in Neopia, and How to Earn Them" (issue 832), we share with you ten more of our favourite cute trophies, as well as some tips that might help you to earn them! Ice Cream Machine The Ice Cream Machine trophy features Adee, the Chia you play as in the game. Bundled up in warm clothing, she looks so cheerful as she holds her ice cream cone. We can't help but smile when we see how happy she looks! This trophy can be pretty tricky to get because it requires both luck and skill. Just keep trying and eventually, you'll get a good score! Don't forget the code "strawberryvanillachocolate" for an extra life.

Other Stories


1337 the Springabee
Authors Note: Dedicated to my friend the witty intellectual, and in honor of Petpet Appreciation Day because Petpetpets bring joy to Petpets too!

by pixie_tea


Once is not enough
Magnificent! There was no other word to describe it. Something of such beauty simply shouldn't exist, but there it was. Sitting proudly in the heart of Roo Island, like a beacon of light drawing in every Neopet within the area...

by gamelovingirl


5 Ways To Celebrate Fyora Day
You have been summoned to FAERIELAND!

by mellody_sou_10


Account Improvement 101: User Lookup & Account Stats
Whether you like restocking, trading pets, making galleries or hunting down elusive NC items, having a polished-looking account will take you places...

by asheiruki


Just Cake #20
Turning the boo on Boochi.

by flameshard


Fountain of Youth - Part 2
Continue on with Cor the Shoyru who is on a quest for water from the fountain of youth. How far will he go?

by dekucorey

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