Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 195,767,810 Issue: 875 | 16th day of Hiding, Y21
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Continued Series

The Sisters of Pillar Grove:Part Nine

Jacenty fumbled in his pockets for a piece of amber as he rushed to the nearest elevator. Upon activating it, he hurried inside. Only then was he able to take a breath and calm down.

by blueys45
Chronicles of the Darkside: Keys to Fantasia:Part Five

Chapter 5: It Follows For All Eternity

"Night is falling." Iggy murmured. "

by fire_earth_aqua__77

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Making A Legend: Turning History Into Folklore

Neopia is a world filled with history and stories, new events constantly happening and changing what we knew. These events (many which go by the term "plots" if they’re particularly big in scope) are recorded into the archives of history and remade into legends for the common Neopia to easily remember and re-tell to future generations. But who are these unaccredited authors of these legends? Who are they to take history, comb through it, and pick what parts which the masses will consider the definitive story? Let us follow the paper trail to these writers who make a huge impact on history by:

Other Stories


A Child's Pursuit of a Powerful Legend
One sunny day, Walda the Baby Kacheek was playing with her friends at school recess. Walda was going down the slide when the teacher blew the whistle, signaling that the children had to return to class.

by _brainchild_


Harmony's Melody
She placed her right paw upon her heart. “I have a will of iron. Nothing can deter me.

by parody_ham


Legendary Lennies of Neopia
Welcome, dear readers, to this very special edition of the Neopian Times: Legends and Folklore! Today it is our honour to present you with an exclusive interview of four legendary Lennies: the fabulous Finneus of Altador; the great and wise Lenny Conundrum Wizard; the mysterious Duchess; and, finally, the Lightning Lenny himself!

Also by _razcalz_

by larkspurlane


Making A Legend: Turning History Into Folklore
Neopia is a world filled with history and stories, new events constantly happening and changing what we knew. These events (many which go by the term “plots” if they’re particularly big in scope) are recorded into the archives of history and remade into legends for the common Neopia to easily remember and re-tell to future generations.

by pikachu315111


Your Burning Question About Faeries
oh you didn't know?

by terukiyo


Family Legends
I did what I had to do..

Also by waitwut101

by fleohr

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