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Circulation: 195,679,037 |
Issue: 870 | 21st day of Relaxing, Y21 |
Continued Series
| The Sisters of Pillar Grove:Part FourThe shock waves that the earth faerie created were felt even by Jacenty and Halloy within the robot. But while the cave outside went dark, the control room remained well-lit.
by blueys45 | | Varanna:Part TwoPercet gazed around his home and sighed with contentment. Everything was packed, donated, or given away and he was ready to move on to his next adventure.
by karlynne1964 |
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Headlines "The Pteri who did not know how to fly" by fluffalspike
Once upon a time in Meridell, there was a tree; not too tall, not too short, with foliage as green as a fir that swayed in the wind like the softness of a Carmariller's wings-beating and strong branches as resilient as a Turdle. Now this story is not just about the tree itself, but what was about to happen in it. Something so incredible and beautiful that would change the course of the beings who lived there.
On the fifth branch of the tree, not too tall, not too short, lived a Pteri named Becky. She was as blue as the cleanest sky. Becky loved to fly. For her, flying was the same thing as not feeling trapped anywhere and that was the purest state of freedom. She liked to stay in the clouds, but Becky knew she had responsibilities on the mainland or rather the "firm twig." On that branch, the fifth branch of the tree, not too tall, not too short, there was a nest. Becky was taking care of two eggs, her greatest pride and joy.
Other Stories
The Pteri who did not know how to fly Once upon a time in Meridell, there was a tree; not too tall, not too short, with foliage as green as a fir that swayed in the wind like the softness of a Carmariller's wings-beating and strong branches as resilient as a Turdle. collab with seniority
by fluffalspike |