Where there's a Weewoo, there's a way Circulation: 195,283,450 Issue: 837 | 17th day of Hiding, Y20
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Continued Series

The Big Move:Part Five

After sending everyone off, I knew I had only a limited amount of time before they all came back to the house. Actually, the more I thought of it, the more I realized that there was probably going to be a lot of distractions with everyone interacting with each other for a long period of time so I had a bit of time on my hands.

by hannahcreep
King Altador's Substitute:Part Four

Eventually, Queen Nera managed to fix everything. The small yooyu island had been fully repaired, the Hall of Heroes ceiling was fixed, the altachucks had been found and returned to their cages, and everything seemed to be in order, finally.

by trishabeakens
Lupe Pack Detectives-Copycat:Part Two

It had been several days since the attack on Headquarters was reported as breaking news in the Neopian Times. While both Squire Oak and I were stuck at Shade’s Neohome for safety concerns, Shade was out gathering whatever information he could dig up from his sources.

by lupe_hunter_7
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"Paranoia" by likelife96
Note: This is a follow-up to the series Duplicity published from issues 710-721. You do not need to have read it to understand the story, but it does help to make more sense as to what's going on. Danner leaned on his desk and rubbed his temples, hoping to coax his blasting headache away. A tiny trail of steam from a piping hot cup of tea wafted slowly toward his head, imparting a most metallic and bitter scent. He did not particularly enjoy tea, let alone this mauled abomination that the castle's potion-master had brewed for him, but it did work for its intended purpose, presumably. And without it, he could not quite focus on a single thing, not even his pain, which, of course, was little more than a sensation. Sensations existed purely inside of his head, and well, you could never trust your own perceptions. They were little more than a flawed imitation of reality, pieces of an otherwise-crumbling mosaic, a tiny sliver of light shining through a cave. Everybody knew this to be technically true. They moved on with their lives as usual, brushing off this miniscule doubt, accepting that an imperfect model was still an adequate representation of the world. Not Danner. He couldn't stop thinking about this point at all.

Other Stories


The Colossus
Immortality is a strange thing.

by erroro


~The Den of Malediction~
Tivlia the Maraquan Blumaroo had always been a tenacious treasure hunter. While growing up in Maraqua, she quickly learned to search for valuable commodities. Many times, she had made astounding sums of Neopoints from the prizes she had found. She hoped that her upcoming hunt would be no exception.

by _brainchild_


Cursed Items for Every Budget!
Looking to extract revenge on that Usul who trounced yours in the Beauty Contest? Did your arch-rival sneak off with the latest restock from Kauvara? Have you been considering revenge for seemingly endless months, waiting for the right method to present itself? Well, I’m pleased to inform you that there are a variety of cursed items available to fit every Neopian’s budget!

by alissiee


Life After the Curse
This article first appeared in “The Faerieland Gazette.”

by black_skull725


Randome Oddness: Magic & Curses

by mistyqee


Petpets can't actually curse their owners... Right...?

by bobtehcat1

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