teh 1337est n00zpaper Circulation: 195,205,513 Issue: 832 | 22nd day of Relaxing, Y20
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Continued Series

The Shadow of Takeryuu:Part Nine

The throne room was the most lavish place Eunji had ever seen. Crafted out of expensive stone, every surface was painstakingly hand-carved and accented with gold, silver, and precious gems. A few scattered windows let in misty daylight, while lanterns filled in dark corners with a subdued glow. Altogether it seemed a grim room, where no thought was given to happiness or comfort.

by cosmicfire918
Neovia's Corruption:Part Three

The rulers of Altador finally reached the famous town of Neovia. Thick fog slowly rolled through the deserted town, sending haunting vibes all around. It made both Altador and Nera uncomfortable. Only the sound of their footsteps filled the air. The silence had grown unbearable for the both of them.

by trishabeakens
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Altador Cup Aspirations: Ranking Up

Altador is a place of many, many wonderful things. See some fantastic architecture, browse some long-buried ancient knowledge, sample some fine foods...you simply haven't lived until you've experienced your chef fry up an Altadorian cheese platter for you at your table! The inside of the cheese gets delightfully warm and melted, and don't get me started on the hummus. Mm-mm. Of course, at this time of year, Altadorians only have one thing on their mind...that is, the Altador cup. It's an event centered around competition, honor, glory...and of course, the fantastically rare Petpet known as the Yooyu. And you now have a chance to participate in this incredible tournament of valor and skill! But where do you start? And how do you get the most out of it? Well, grab a handful of pita chips and listen up, friends.

Other Stories


A Trek With Team Lost Cause
Sometimes team spirit is a little like a scorched chomato.

by mimitchi880


The Love of Fans
Please be a Fire Yooyuball or a normal one, those are the best for a quick goal. The Yooyuball rose into sight...

by brokensilent


Comet's Guide to Faerie Bubbles
Hey, it's comet_rider2000, but you can call me Comet. Those who know me know that I used bubble-like portals to manipulate space and time! Well, one of the ways I keep my bubble abilities sharp is a game called Faerie Bubbles. It is a fun, but challenging game to play. I've gotten pretty good at it... I mean, all things considered..

by scechoi


Finding your inner Yooyu
The yooyu is an altadorian petpet and more than that, it is a symbol of the Altador Cup. Besides that, It is the star of Yooyuball, the game in which the petpet becomes a ball and the players need to catch it to score a goal.

Also by millyhz

by naama_mikeas


Every time I play Yooyuball

by doug_henrique


A Total Flop
My cup runneth over in all the wrong ways.

(also by minnesotan)

by rooftopchicken

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