Where there's a Weewoo, there's a way Circulation: 195,197,181 Issue: 830 | 8th day of Relaxing, Y20
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Continued Series

The Shadow of Takeryuu:Part Seven

The trip to the mines was not easy. Faerie shadows constantly swooped down at them, eyes aglow, but Eunji and Min were quick to dispatch them. Eunji, being faerie-coloured, was especially sensitive to magic, and she let that sense guide her as she led her friends into a dark shaft in the side of a mountain, a hole that looked like a bottomless pit.

by cosmicfire918
Hope For New:Part Two

Late at night, thunder crashed around outside the little bars of my cage. The pound wasn’t a nice place, let me tell you. Dr. Shtalker would make his rounds every day, collecting the pets who had been there for the longest, and taking them to his lab, cackling with joy, and every day I hoped I wouldn’t be one of those pets who never returned.

by hazelsmartotop
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A Study in 10HP Movesets

In this article I will explain the Battledome oddity known as "10HP Movesets" and how it can be used to defeat the Giant Ghostkerchief with minimal stats and weapons. The term "10hp moveset" refers to a 1P opponent using the same specific move whenever your pet’s remaining HP is 10 or less. One example of this mechanic can be observed with the Flaming Meerca: if your pet starts the round at 10HP or less, the Flaming Meerca will use his Stone Fire Body Basher + Forest Hat + Static Cling, round after round, until your HP goes above 10. Not all opponents have a 10hp moveset, but here is a list of the ones that do: Count von Roo: Auto Targeting Telescope + Supersize! + Halitosis Flaming Meerca: Stone Fire Body Basher + Forest Hat + Static Cling Mummy: Hand of the Mummy + Level 2 Bubble Beam + Irritable Minions

Other Stories


Through Everything
“And so, you can easily argue that Hornington’s theories do not stand up to current scientific standards, as well as entirely contradict the findings of Rosher in his study, “Swamp Gas Aishas in Their Natural Habitats.” Therefore…”

by diggingdeeper


An Officially Unofficial Yooyu
I'm just your everyday, nondescript petpet. My color is plain, the color that I was born with. I am not painted a special color and I'm okay with that. I enjoy all the same activities as any other petpet: taking walks in the park with the other petpets, being fed only the highest grade petpet food available, and being pampered with toys, grooming items, and a nice cushy bed to curl up in at the end of the day. A comfortable and relaxed life definitely the life for me. That is all I want and all I will accept.

Oh. You've noticed, haven't you?

I am a Yooyu.

by lissiekat10


Underrated Neopets (And Why You Should Get One)
Want to create a new Neopet but can't decide which one? Here are a few ideas that might get you started!

by yoshisislandbandit


The Kadoatery: The Various Kadoatie Personalities
Whether you’re new to Kad feeding and are working your way towards obtaining the avatar or you’re an overfeeder who spends the majority of their time hanging out at the Kadoatery, I guarantee that at some point you will have met some, if not all these Kadoatie personalities!

by mel_liew_ming_li


Technically true...
Hey, everyone DID notice how she caught the ball!

by alli_draggy


Yooyuball Fail
Secret Weapon to the rescue!

by andypopo

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