Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 196,326,035 Issue: 813 | 19th day of Sleeping, Y20
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Continued Series

Identity Crisis:Part Two

You mean you're devotedslothminion!?

by debbie1188
Hitomi the Witch:Part Ten


by downrightdude
Elaine's Expedition:Part Three

Elaine and Jaycin had spent most of her first day trekking down the Western side of Mystery Island, exploring the novelties to be found at the Island Market and Trading Post. They had passed the Island Arena, where they had glimpsed a peek at the Tiki Tack Man preparing for a duel.

Also by afsheen_27

by milkshakes004

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"Grundonia, the Unknown Planet" by hatsuomi
Grundonia is a small community that it’s located in some place of the galaxy, it exists because some Grundos escaped from Dr. Sloth’s hands, so that, not everyone knows about this place. This fairytale starts the first of January of Year 19, yes, that’s the day that Grundos wake up… Before that, they had horrible lives, once they escaped they needed to rest in order to forgive everything…Or almost everything… Relti, a sorcerer ice Grundo, made a spell to sleep everyone for 10 years, but the day came, everyone wake up, some of them didn’t know their names or even their own colors. There was a little Mallow Grundo, called Apaf, he’s the only mallow with purple eyes, his family were part of the royalty highness from Virtupets, once Sloth arrives, they decided to send him across the galaxy with Relti’s help landing in Grundonia; Apaf can perfectly fits everywhere, he wake up and he knew that he needed to do something to save his species. As I said before, not every Grundo have this power of mind to remember things through sleepy time, so, they wake up and they didn’t know what happened before that. Apaf ask Relti for help, he needed to recruit some Grundos in order to invade Virtupets and face Sloth’s plan, he also wanted to reunite with his family and save all the species. Relti with his last drop of Magic sent a signal to the galaxy waiting for heroes to show up… And they showed up, three space travelers appeared at the same time in front of Apaf and Relti, they didn’t believe that someone received the "Call of Help"

Other Stories


Alice's Lab Results
My name is Alice, I’m a Snot Jubjub. I wasn’t always like this, I was once beautiful. Do you want to hear how I became like this? Ok, I’ll tell you.

by ashgann11


The Secret of Keep Out Island
It was a dark and stormy night as a Wraith Xweetok rowed his boat to Keep Out Island – as the locals call it. The island itself was tucked behind Krawk Island – a large sign with the words “KEEP OUT!” was flapping in the wind – the sign was what kept locals from going to the island...

by alvissofcaldia


Smooch: The Top 5 Valentine Petpets!
Valentine’s Day is upon us and it’s no secret that every Neopian and every Neopet is excited for the possibility of the release of some new Valentine Petpets! Wait… What’s that? You didn’t even know that Valentine Petpets existed? Well… maybe that’s because there are currently only 11 different varieties of Valentine Petpets in Neopia

by rowdy420


List of Petpets that closely resemble Neopets!
Hmm never noticed the resemblance...

by k3l26


The Thief
Some things just shouldn't be said.

by trishabeakens


Fyora's Priorities
Wraiths terrify Faerieland and Fyora has some strategies to... well she has strategies for something at least.

by cattlemewls

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