Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 194,573,185 Issue: 776 | 7th day of Eating, Y19
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Continued Series

Return to Lynwood: Part Seven

Isengrim awoke to a twinge in his leg and the smell of breakfast. No—to call it just a “smell” would not do it justice.

by cosmicfire918
Defenders Series 3: Siren of the Snows: Part Two

He knew only that Tech Tonic had been to none of them, meaning he hadn’t done any new investigating after going missing- all these newest cases had happened after the young hero vanished.

by shinkoryu14
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Daily Dare Edition

It seems like my last article garnered such adoration that even Chadley is jealous! I'm back again people and this time I'm coming at you with some advice for games, Daily Dare, and even a little bit of fashion! So grab your controller and let's get going! These questions were all gathered anonymously, Neopians far and wide shouting at me on the street hoping to get some advice on their most pressing issues. I'm not an expert by any means but I do what I can!

Other Stories


First Day of School
As the Mynci giggled and walked away, Claylan frowned and shook his head. It was going to be one of those days. The first day of school was always like this—he should have expected as much.

by carizeecrow


Stand By You
“You never know,” Sarah said, her eyes sparkling with hope. “Tomorrow could be the day that changes everything.”

by jockylocky


Top 10 NC Spring Wearables
Enough of winter! The spring is here and this article is exactly about how can we start it off on the right foot.

by paraxeno_daimonio


The Best and Worst Dressed Fellas in Neopia
Have you ever wondered who the best dressed men around Neopia are? I’ve have searched high and low to make that executive decision.

by spukl1


Uncrowned: Part 7
Your reign ends now!

by mucka33


Extra Useless
Aw man.

by tytoes

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