Neopia's Fill-in-the-blank News Source Circulation: 194,254,766 Issue: 753 | 14th day of Collecting, Y18
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Continued Series

The Spirit of Black Keep: Part Eleven

Pharazon’s breath caught in his throat and he felt a pang of emotion run through him. This felt overwhelmingly right. Quietly, he crept across the rug toward the figure.

by cosmicfire918
KATIPO I: Restart: Part Seven

More marble against marble. The jukebox is still playing songs from the same album. The bartender glances through the kitchen door’s window at you, but then turns back inside to do whatever. You scratch your wrist, then fix your hair. “So the location’s set then,” you begin to prod, “but what about the actual people?"

by theschizophrenicpunk
The Greatest Show In Neopia!: Part Five

The door opened several seconds after Kadar had begun knocking and the camouflage Ogrin finally found himself face to face with the very pirate he had been searching the rain savaged streets for. Timothy the yellow Acara scratched his head in befuddlement as he looked at Kadar standing on his doorstep, “Haven’t I seen you somewhere before, mate?”

by chavo_guerrero
Chasing Treasure: Part Four

As Sam said, the wreck was old. The rot-blackened wood of the hull was riddled with damaged and missing sections, and those that remained were almost more barnacle and seaweed than wood.

by aethelar
Karamita and the Lab Jazz: Part Five

A week had passed since Karamita had first arrived in Tyrannia. She had spent the entire week playing with Lab Jazz and learning about each and every one of them. However, something felt off to her. With each passing day, she felt more and more confused.

by rocksysmom
The Ardors and Agonies of Witchcraft: Part Three

The next morning, Maikya whisked into the library at the stroke of eight, robes fluttering behind her. “I collected the yellow fruit as you asked me to, but on the third day out Craya appeared to me. She hadn’t been at her house when I checked, so I was surprised when she emerged from the thickets to tell me that we’d do better with the flesh of one of these.”

by hybatsu
An Uprising of Sweepers: Part Four

The bandits, had raided the town so many times that they are very familiar with the somewhat messy layout of the town. There are so many small roads that one could get lost if one was new to the town and its surroundings.

by yin_yin_7
Casting a Shadow: Part Two

Asilvani woke up to find out she was the only one in the hotel room. “Jimbigy and Haunter must've gotten a head start...” she mumbled.

by winter_pony4
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"Going Bananas" by 77thbigby
"Well, I think we’ve been out here long enough,” Nigel said to Einstein. In agreement, the red Blumaroo and Geeky Geb turned their backs on the perfectly nice day and entered their Neohome. They stepped into chaos, in stark contrast of the nice day outside. For a horrifying moment, Nigel thought they had been robbed. He heard noise coming from the kitchen and began to head in that direction when his brother, Drew burst out, bouncing and twirling. The strange thing was that the yellow Blumaroo was holding bananas. Then, Drew began to sing at the top of his lungs. “Bananas, bananas, I love you. Yes, I do. I love bananas, sweet and true.” The yellow Blum broke off and began humming. Spotting his brother, he bounced on his tail and shoved the bundle of bananas that he held in Nigel’s face. “Nigel, isn’t it wonderful? Bananas!” Drew said, sounding crazed. “Yeah, right. Wonderful,” Nigel said, nodding quickly and speaking as he would to a child. Delighted, Drew bounced away, hugging the yellow fruit to him. Nigel was dumbfounded. “More like he’s going bananas,” Nigel said to Einstein. The red Blumaroo pushed his black framed glasses back up the bridge of his nose. He began to clean up, talking to Einstein as he worked. He was trying to make sense of it all. “Drew isn’t the brightest crayon in the box but he isn’t crazy. Well, at least, I thought he wasn’t crazy. Why bananas? He was just fine this morning. He was the one that told us to go outside for some fresh air and to enjoy nature. Look what came of that! My brother has taken complete leave of his senses.”

Other Stories


Going Bananas
In agreement, the red Blumaroo and Geeky Geb turned their backs on the perfectly nice day and entered their Neohome. They stepped into chaos, in stark contrast of the nice day outside. For a horrifying moment, Nigel thought they had been robbed.

by 77thbigby


Usuki Singing Stars #36: Sparkles' Dancing Shoes
Miss Stryke blew her whistle. “It’s one two three, one two three!” the yellow Kau barked at her students. “This is the Brightvalian waltz, not square dancing!” The students groaned. Everyone was paired with a dance partner and most of them were struggling to dance. Sparkles was confused as she attempted to lead her partner.

by downrightdude


Autumntastic: Top Five Autumn Items - Lights
Get to know about the top five Autumn items in Neopia!

Also by morifoy

by sosuleaf


The Coolest Logs On Neo!
I thought it would be fun to compile a list of the coolest logs that exist on the Neopets site! I've often wanted to collect a list for my own merriment. However, why not submit the list to the Neopian Times and show my fellow players how to entertain themselves with the logs as well?

by indulgences


Head in the Clouds: Usuki!
Just restocking, I swear!

by yoshisislandbandit


A Spooky Halloween: Part Two
The Decorations

by ghostkomorichu

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