A Yurble stole my cinnamon roll! Circulation: 194,910,685 Issue: 752 | 7th day of Collecting, Y18
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Continued Series

The Spirit of Black Keep: Part Ten

As the carriage passed over the bridge and through the city gates, Pharazon shuddered. The dark energy here was so thick that it seemed to dim the very sunlight. Even Neopets on the streets seemed to at least notice something wasn’t right, as they went about their day looking anxious and harried

by cosmicfire918
KATIPO I: Restart: Part Six

Her footsteps fall light in regret. She’s tasting her mistakes on the back of her tongue. All she can do to keep the shame from bursting through her ribcage is cross her arms and count her steps — three, four, five, six..

by theschizophrenicpunk
The Greatest Show In Neopia!: Part Four

Krawk Island was finally coming into sight from the deck of the ship on which the four friends had been able to secure passage for the penultimate stretch of their journey. Jarvis, the scholarly Eventide Lenny, was starting to look a little grey around the edges with the harsh sea life

by chavo_guerrero
Chasing Treasure: Part Three

They made sail under the last fringes of darkness, the rosy hue of dawn leeching into the sky above them. Bannok gripped the helm with white knuckled fingers and focussed on staying awake and vertical. Sam could handle the rest of the ship himself, and Niettah - so long as she wasn't getting in the way, that was all Bannok needed.

by aethelar
The Ardors and Agonies of Witchcraft: Part Two

The next morning, Seneca made up for her leisurely first day by spending hours upon hours at Alless’s command. Seneca turned pages while Alless read and tried not to die of boredom, she grabbed whatever ingredients were needed and tossed them into the cauldron, and once she was even called upon to run down to the market and buy pickled Techos’ feet

by hybatsu
An Uprising of Sweepers: Part Three

It was there in the forest, in one of the many secluded areas, that tragedy played out and a choice and transformation had to be made. And again choices, had to be made when a certain group of Neopians; the most unlikely to ever join forces, did so.

by yin_yin_7
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"The Monster Inside" by spidermanfan234
"I have a riddle for you, Master. Do you think that you can solve it?” No, the answer sought could not be found in books— His wits strewn—he threw them from the shelf, While the mirror asked a question dared by none. “Riddle me this, Thade: What have you become?” Rage exploding, glass shattering—he looked, And saw a reflection of himself. Broken, twisted, ugly . . . but not quite dead; Only darkness left inside his head. Darkness was everywhere. Thade took comfort from the darkness. It had consumed him. Numbed his pain. Negated poisonous thoughts like: accepting defeat and making amends. It had brought him solace when nothing else could—when he had even failed himself. And the darkness had made his choking insanity seem less . . . insane. His life was darkness now, and it was just fine. Most of the time. Thade left his library and roamed the house. The nice thing about being dead was that he no longer had to walk through each room to get places. He WAS the house. Well, to be more technical (and less cool-sounding), his undeparted spirit inhabited and controlled the house. Either way, it definitely came in handy when scaring the wits out of foolhardy adventurers who entered. He took joy in frightening them to the point of crippling terror. And he never failed to cackle with glee each time their speech crumbled to incoherent babble. For some reason, entertainment like that never got boring.

Other Stories


The Seekers Get Spooked
Professor Lambert was at his wits' end, and with as much wit as he had that was a place he rarely found himself. All day he had been interviewing applicants for a job sorting books in the Seekers' library. No one who had come in so far seemed right for it.

by tudorrose1558


The Monster Inside
“I have a riddle for you, Master.

Do you think that you can solve it?”

by spidermanfan234


Shadowy Writing: An Open Letter from the Shadow Usul
My fellow dark citizens, I write this message to enlighten you of my background and experience. Many have stood in fear of the Shadow Usul, evil incarnate. Many have wondered where such a creature could have come from.

by xale22


Erin's Extreme Avatar Guide:Mutant Graveyard of Doom
This week, we’re adventuring through graveyards and avoiding spooky creatures to get in gear for this ghostly season. Mutant Graveyard of Doom is one of those fun games that combines problem solving and adventure.

by krazypinkgurl


Shop Clearance
Truly terrifying

by fourin


Edna's Tricks

Also by marbear_4u

by suspensiion

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