The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 194,210,868 Issue: 748 | 9th day of Gathering, Y18
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Continued Series

The Price of Greatness: Part Four

The hulking Gnorbu advances rapidly, visceral cries of rage oozing from his misshapen lips. Despite the imminent danger, your first thought is to question whether or not mutants brush their teeth. Your companions are cowering behind you, too paralysed with fear to move.

by xxskyisfallingxx
The Spirit of Black Keep: Part Six

Pharazon didn’t know how long he had slept, but it was still night when he found himself suddenly awake. The fire was still going and he was warm enough—what had roused him was a deep and incoherent mumbling.

by cosmicfire918
Undead Rising: Part Five

“So do you think that Edward could be the Sun Warrior?” Zeena poked gently at Edward’s amulet, causing the Lenny to flinch a little and pull away. Fyora closed the book, handing it to Bernard. “Whether or not that is true remains to be seen. You must take the amulet to Altador to speak with Jerdana."

by yoshisislandbandit
Defender Scarlet Shadow in the Deathly Mission: Part Three

Sopherie began to breathe heavily. Running from an assassin while carrying an injured Aisha was proving to be very taxing. She began to regret sneaking out of her house on this mission. But she couldn't quite regret coming to help Deme.

by orisasda
KATIPO I: Restart: Part Two

The alien’s house is a castle-like mansion, perched on top of an empty mountain in Shenkuu like the nest of a lone Vullard. It’s got cream-coloured walls and tall, red-framed windows with dozens of horizontal panes jutting through them.

by theschizophrenicpunk
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Overlooked: Kauvara

In the heart of the Neopian shopping district is Kauvara’s Magic Shop. The owner and shopkeeper of Neopia’s most popular Magic Shop is the titular Kauvara. Kauvara works tirelessly to open the doors of her shop each morning and provide Neopian consumers with top quality magical items and potions. She provides Neopia with highly sought after items. But one has to wonder who is the kau behind this shop? Who is she? What is she like? How’d she get here.

Other Stories


The Happy Crystal
Dessinere, who was once the happiest Neopian, was now downtrodden with showers of gloom and misery falling all over her.

by icygirl2005


The Gobbler's Egg
A short story based on my baby Pteri, Fizzlers. A stray Gobbler finds an egg and vows to take care of it!

by merrick_twoford


Draiks from A to Z
Just in time for Draik Day, I bring you another edition of my Neopets A to Z series. This time we look at the amazing, brave and dashing Draiks! Let`s get started!

by aleu1986


How Do YOU Organize Your Pets?
Wanting to come up with some creative ways of showing off my pets, I asked the Neoboards how THEY organize the pets on their accounts. Which pets go on which accounts, and why? And how long did it take them to get every pet placed juuust right? I got many interesting replies!

by indulgences


Blossoms~ Snowball Effect Part 7
Old habits die hard.

by twillieblossom


Too Many Coins - Not Enough Fingers
I could`ve earned more NPs from playing games...

by starsbc

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