Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 193,882,745 Issue: 721 | 26th day of Awakening, Y18
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Continued Series

Janet and Jane: The Case of the Framed Detectives: Part Eight

I groaned. "Everyone still thinks that Jane, Natia, and I are thieves," I answered. "I'm going to talk to Queen Fyora to clear our names. I'm a little surprised she didn't do anything already."

by chasing_stars44
Duplicity: Part Twelve

Giles ran over to his freed father and jumped on him with open arms the moment he saw him. The small Xweetok smiled as Garrington weakly ruffled his mane. Dark circles surrounded the duke’s eyes. His wife, the duchess, pinched her nose and nodded along. “Yes, yes, we miss you very much. I think the dungeons have done a number on you.”

by likelife96
Chronicles of a Caped Crusader: Days Yet to Pass: Part Four

Chloe followed Buzz out, putting her mask back on as a matter of habit. The courtyards were orderly, but they were plain, the flowers gone and only the bushes remaining. The signs of Elise's hard work, maintained by a gardener when they were in Neopia Central, were gone.

by kristykimmy
The Adventures of Trina: The Glass Key: Part Two

I felt like I had been struck by a wall of bricks. Everything crumbled, and I plunged into a nightmare. I vaguely remember the teacher shrieking as a strong arm yanked me from the floor, his merciless glaze looking down on me.

by ummagine3284
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"The Second Piece" by graveyardcandyapple
Dempsey Rowen was many things, and a complainer was most certainly one of them. The day after their visit to Meridell, Dempsey began to complain of a sore throat. Halfway through the day he began to cough, and by the time the four travelers reached Brightvale, the Halloween Kougra was positively miserable. Theolounious Scrivenger was tempted to tell Dempsey that it was his fault for playing games with questionable people, in a kingdom where food items were rolled up and down hills; his natural politeness prevented him from doing so. Still, when Dempsey began to insist that the four stop by Faerieland to see the Faerie at the Healing Springs, Theo almost said it, along with several other choice things. There was a sense of urgency in everything Theo did now. He felt as though the mission to discover what the Grimoire of Inkdeath was had begun abruptly, and so set off at a frantic pace. That combined with the strange Krawley brothers, three and Illusen’s reaction to a mere mention of the Grimoire made the red Gelert far more impatient than usual.

Other Stories


The Second Piece
Dempsey Rowen was many things, and a complainer was most certainly one of them. The day after their visit to Meridell, Dempsey began to complain of a sore throat. Halfway through the day he began to cough, and by the time the four travelers reached Brightvale, the Halloween Kougra was positively miserable.

by graveyardcandyapple


A Day of Play
When I woke up one morning, I took a moment to look around the bedroom of my owner’s Neohome. Everything seemed so peaceful and calm. To me, everything was right with the world.

by blackghoulmon


Countering the Stereotype: The "Vain" Uni
An article arguing for the end of labeling Unis as "Neopia's most vain creatures"

by puddydog


Customization Diaries of the Gnorbu Obsessed #2
First things first, the basics. What are the basic items you think every neopian should have in their closet before they start customizing?

by 987654321_hj


Mud Coffee
And he melts in the rain, too.

by goron0000


Neopets Hint
Playing Dice-A-Roo is a good way to get food

Also by erianoillim

by saudadesdagripe

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