Reporting live from Neopia Circulation: 193,383,333 Issue: 687 | 26th day of Relaxing, Y17
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Continued Series

The Fire Within: Part Five

They arrived at the Shining Chasm that evening, as far as Yardly could tell in the timeless dark of the caverns. The tunnel had widened out slightly, giving way to a solid wall of what looked like white marble. A door appeared to be carved into the rock, closed fast, with what looked like Maraquan symbols carved around it.

by herdygerdy
The Prophetess's Tale: Part Ten

The room was bright and cheerful. Finger sandwiches were passed around, tea was poured, people laughed and commended Audley on a job well done.

by encroached
The Adventures of Trina: The Two Islands: Part Six

“I take it that these are for our trip?” she asked.

by ummagine3284
Faerie Wings III: The Nightmare of Dreamland: Part Three

Illere’s eyes widened. She turned to Brillare and asked, “Have you ever heard of a place called ‘Dreamland’ before?”

by downrightdude
Mother's Balloon: Part Three

Reyela hoped she didn't make the wrong decision by calling out to the Kougra. She had acted so impetuously. What would she say when the Kougra asked where she had come from?

by dewdropzz
The Door Closes: Part Four

We break free from the sands of the desert to find calm, rolling western hills.

Art by ellbot1998

by ellbot1998

The Beginning of the Shadow: Part Two

The Shadow Bandit stood silently on the roof. She looked through the window, at the Shadow Shoyru. She hadn’t tried to control any of her actions. But she would still be here. For her.

by sha2196
Tales From Number Five: Rise of the Neopoint: Part Two

“Darigan will win the Altador Cup,” the Oracle said.

by rider_galbatorix
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Perfect Neogarden Plants

Everyone wants to have a delightful garden to relax in during the vibrant spring and the sweet-smelling summer months. A beautiful sanctuary where you can escape to, when nothing seems to be going the way you want it! In this article we have twenty fine looking plants to make your garden the unforgettable getaway you have always dreamt of having.

Other Stories


The Warrior Princess: The War for Alkuu
Princess Clarity looked around as she walked through what used to be her home. The village houses were in shambles and the only plant life was the forbidden forest. Clarity sighed. It was the dead of the night and everyone was asleep. Clarity and her friends were walking in the village to see if any of the villagers would join their cause of defeating that horrid witch, Mara.

by purplbrooke


How to Plan a Vacation Disaster
This daily routine that we’ve been following for the past nine months was finally over. School was finally over and we were all crowded into the living room where our mother was waiting for us.

by frostyweather


100 Neopoint Neopian Readers Program: REMASH
Hey, readers! You can score my entire reading list at the Shop Wizard all for under 100 NP!

by elksquid


Altador Cup: The True Underogs
The Cup wouldn’t be the same without them. Today we recognize their struggles.

by 20003425


If Wishes Were Fishes
Reel in your line and...

by panril


Slushie Slingers
Be courteous or bring a towel!

by l_like_animals

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