teh 1337est n00zpaper Circulation: 193,064,531 Issue: 678 | 30th day of Sleeping, Y17
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Continued Series

Agent of the Sway: Rogue - Part Four

Neopia Central was a den of iniquity.

by herdygerdy
A Queen's Ascension: Part Eight

The old Uni chuckled slightly at that. "Yes, dear. Who else would live down here but me?" Her eyes were mesmerising; Vyssa couldn't help but be sucked in by them.

by dudeiloled
To Space!: Part Seven

"I enjoy being different. Don't you?"

by 77thbigby
The Scientist's Apprentice: Part Four

"I hit my head," Darren groaned, rubbing at his scalp. His eyes were screwed up in pain. "What... happened? Did it not work?"

by vanessa1357924680
The Path: Part Four

Fyora led them to a large room on the top floor of her castle. She put a beautiful golden key in the lock and opened the large door...

by sakura_dreamer
Life Through the Eyes of a Lab Rat: Part Two

After staying so long with Helen, it was hard for me to be alone in the pound again.

by _biimy
Search the Neopian Times


"The Wallet: A Play in One Act" by havittaa
Setting: A quiet afternoon at the Grand Neopian Lodge. There is a circular table surrounded by four chairs three feet from the check-in counter. DOBREV, TINA, MRS. EDDY, and PRICE fill the four chairs around the table...

Other Stories


"There," Moira sighed, blowing the smoke off of her hands. Planting flowers was a lot of work, especially if done by magic.

Also by rielcz

by flufflepuff


Friday: Just Hysterics
Far away in the land of heroes and legends lay Meridell, an almost forgotten medieval kingdom.

by vanquishee


Jhudora Reviews Illusen’s Glade Rewards
What are Jhudora's opinions on Illusen's quests, specifically on the rewards that she gives?

by pikachu315111


Treat More than Your Active this Valentine's Day!
With February right around the corner, there is a single question looming in the air. How do I show the one I care for most how much I appreciate them?

by enticing


Random Oddness
And we trust this Skeith with our money...?

by mistyqee


Hm, I Wonder Where They Get Those Eggs
Shield your eyes!

by pancakesatthedisco

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