Up-to-date coverage on faerie wars Circulation: 192,171,935 Issue: 634 | 28th day of Awakening, Y16
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Continued Series

Faerie Wars I: The Six Kingdoms - Part Ten

Fyora abandoned her illusion, and was suddenly standing alone in her tower. She sank to her knees, and her hands shook terribly...

by kioasakka
Worth Fighting For: Part Eight

Hyren exhaled, placing a hand on his chest. "That way," he urged Blynn, prompting her to sidle off of the crates in the direction of the cliff edge, which was hidden by a labyrinth of terraces and roofs.

by cosmicfire918
Sebastian's Spirits: Part Two

"He's questioning my stories, and you know what? It's time for him to experience what I've been experiencing for years."

by crazy_4_sushi
Travels of a Would-Be Knight: Eddetha the Immortal - Part Five

If Xin or one of his younger siblings brought up wanting to be a knight, he'd probably recommend them sticking to something less dangerous, like baking.

by daniecelpines
Fireballs Among Friends: Part Four

Esmeralda said, "Look, Father! Mama let us have coffee!"

by saphira_27
Lord Luparn and the Colossal Skeith: Part Two

Sir Cheekalot had followed a trail of reports from the outlaying villages pointing him towards the Skeith. The knight arrived at the village of Turtum Mound one mid-afternoon.

by sirr1ch1
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"Mind and Matter" by sporty2443
Jhudora grumbled to herself as she trudged through the thick underbrush of the forest surrounding Glory Hollow. Normally, she would be sending out some Neopet with too much time on his hands to gather her potion ingredients for her. All it required in exchange was a cheap magical trinket that she could proceed to convince him was an "artefact"...

Other Stories


The Devil Went Down to Neovia
Before me, there's a blue mass, a ghost with eyes as red as a ruby apple. He glares menacingly at me and turns his attention to the Fyora doll in the chair. I know who he is... it's the Pant Devil!

by emblo93


The Villains' Meeting
The only activity was deep within the stone walls of Count Von Roo's castle. In the innermost room, a roaring fire added flickering, sinister light to a large oak table and the varied group that set about that table.

by tj_wagner


Villains' Favorite Heroes
Here are villains to talk about their favorite heroes...

by pikachu315111


An Interview with Balthazar
I was able to sit down with Balthazar to talk, but not without the price of three bottled faeries. They'll be fine, though... I think.

by xiaolin10413


Underwater Fishing With Glumpkin
Be careful what you fish for...

by ragecandybar


From a Korbat's Point of View
Ummm... It mutated into a real Marshmallow grundo. Sure!

by goooodie27

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