Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 192,109,998 Issue: 631 | 7th day of Awakening, Y16
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Continued Series

Agent of the Sway: Restoration - Part Three

The Thieves Guild had been fighting all night - the Bringer himself seemed largely impervious to his efforts, and certainly Hopesmeade was not capable of downing such a creature.

by herdygerdy
One Way: Part Nine

"I... don't believe it..." Dromiay stuttered. "She wasn't in the book!"

by ellbot1998
Faerie Wars I: The Six Kingdoms - Part Seven

She clutched her staff tightly, and realized that she did not miss her sister.

Who was she, anyway, to think we could be equals? she thought bitterly.

by kioasakka

Once a Thief: Part Six

"Enough with your nonsense! Do you realize what you've done?!"

by crazy_4_sushi
The Princess Calling: Part Four

The entire kingdom was in danger.

And nobody had a clue.

by puppy_girl252

Adventures and Such at Camp Batterfly: Part Five

Lightmite instructed the campers on how to collect fire wood. Apparently, you couldn't just pick up a bunch of random sticks and throw them in the fire.

by crabcake123
Worth Fighting For: Part Five

"We can camp as soon as we get outside," she attempted to compromise. "Please, please. I just..." She clasped her hands. "I just need to get out of here."

by cosmicfire918
What Happened To Sophie's Hat: Part Three

Nesmy hurried through the alleyway, her ears flying behind her head as she hopped around the nearest corner and pressed her back flat against the wall. She was just in time.

by rogue_roxness
Travels of a Would-Be Knight: Eddetha the Immortal - Part Two

"TIME TRAVEL!" the woman screamed suddenly.

by daniecelpines
Friendship Means Never Giving Up: Part Two

"Never speak of that foolish Earth Faerie in my domain..." Even with her sneer, Jhudora never lost her silken smooth voice.

by noxlyx
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"Old Snargan's Bet" by ellafell
The coin spun in the air as the customer sat with bated breath. The faded edges visible in the glinting candlelight, Snargan's betting coin finally landed on his outstretched palm. The old Skeith looked at it and smirked. 'Your money is mine!' The slumped form of yet another...

Other Stories


Making Sense
"So, what did you and my uncle talk about?" Brandi asked immediately.

Adino smiled. "Brandi, Alpha Inc wants me to teach you about your senses."

by 77thbigby


Apples and Oranges
Sometimes, there is no middle ground.

by crazy_holly_ii


Top 12 Painted Petpets
Some of the best and most creatively painted petpets in Neopia.

by alex9292


The Top 10 Neocash Items of Y15!
After lurking the boards for the past year, and being a part of the NC in general, I am here to tell you what I think have been the biggest hits of the NC.

by greenj12356


A... Gift?
Sometimes gifts can be misinterpreted.

by mike11695


Glumpkin Meets Sparky
Define "love".

by ragecandybar

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