Caution: Quills may be sharp Circulation: 191,782,612 Issue: 620 | 8th day of Storing, Y15
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Continued Series

Faerie Wings: The Fate of Kira - Part Eight

"Evening, ladies," Hanso said as he got up and smoothed his ruffled hair. Even though he was smiling casually at Rosia, she was still giving him a scowling glare.

by downrightdude
Coronation: Part Three

"I don't like where this is going, Sin," Yuruyuki said worriedly. "Last time we went to Geraptiku, we had to stop Zaira from detonating the Ultimate Neggs of Destruction."

Also by bookworm7

by sin_hui_ryoma

The Orbs of Power: Part Seven

I suddenly remembered, shuddering at the thought, that the Darkness map had been the first to be destroyed, the first to break away from the parchment. Was it an omen?

by burning_shadows_79
Troubled Past - Nox: Part Six

I did not pay any attention to matters not concerning me, and thus with an air of blinding ignorance I managed to miss the huge, shattering event of the Faeries being turned to stone...

by karen_mckenzie
Agent of the Sway: Isolation - Part Two

It was just over six months later that Clayton was called to the Duchess's mansion on the outskirts of Neopia Central's lavish Hills district. That was the way it went in the Sway...

by herdygerdy
The Island of Mist: Part Four

In the beginning days, their afternoon training was much the same as their morning training was. But as they became more experienced, they began sparring each other and - much later on in their training - the old wizard himself.

by lizzy_beth_750551
The Metal Lutari: Part Two

"I'm just so proud of you, you know." She smiled. I nearly groaned aloud, not one of these talks. "And you're going to get a job one day, don't you worry."

by katiepfeil
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"Friend Indeed" by bubblepop721
Neopets walked from stalls to buy and bargain. Among them was a female Zafara with blue hair and sharp sapphire eyes. Her hoodie hid most of her face however as she passed through the shouting crowds who screamed for the best prices. Today, she wouldn't be stealing little things from pockets like bronze items and...

Other Stories


Time and Change
I stirred the ice around in the coffee that rested on the table before me. My eyes were glued to the door, waiting patiently.

by allison_kitty11


Friend Indeed
The Zafara Double Agent takes a break from her sneaking around to find Jeran among the common people of all places!

by bubblepop721


The Gross Food Movement
As your culinary experts, we will guide you through Neopia to seek out and taste test the grossest foods we can find.

Also by flufflepuff

by hufflepuff


How to Know When You're Kaddicted
26 ways to recognize your kaddiction.

by bha288


Stamps, What Else
It's quite logical...

Idea by ruben160

by cevierakasky


A Question of Loyalty - Part 5
"This is it: Maintenance Tunnel Level 25-C."

by crainwater

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