Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 190,439,813 Issue: 575 | 21st day of Celebrating, Y14
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Continued Series

The Golden Elephante: Part Nine

He spotted the statue. "You've found the Golden Elephante! Well, maybe his Majesty won't throw you two adventurers in the dungeon, after all."

by rachelindea
The Vitruvian Wizard: Part Three

The desert sands were harsh on Septimus's face, and the heat was doing him no favours either. For a man born and bred in Neopia Central, and having spent much of his adult life in the dark and dank cellars of the Museum, the desert was a shock to his system.

by herdygerdy
Ruined Library: Part Six

An urgent singsong voice broke into Lae's dreams. It was sweet, but harrowed, and had the tone of someone about to commit a desperate act.

by aquadaika
Temptation: Part Six

"No matter, morning will be soon enough, my dear." Artro waved a hand and allowed the suitcases to drop to the ground.

by april_pumpkin
Honor Among Thieves: Part Four

Stealing the proof they needed would be, as it turned out, far easier said than done. It would either be in Lady Marcia's apartment in the palace or the mage's rooms in the Mages' College. And both, to Marlos, sounded about as wise as throwing gold coins into the middle of the Sakhmet marketplace...

by saphira_27
Hannah, Brynn, and Nabile and the We Hate Hanso Club: Part Two

"This artifact sounds extremely dangerous, and the last thing I need is for it to fall into the hands of a pirate captain," Brynn explained.

"Well, in that case, I want to come with you," Nabile said.

by kristykimmy

Number Five: Part Three

The cart slowly glided to a halt in front of the gigantic Sakhmet entrance gates. My eyes grew wide at the sight.

by sarahbunnii
My Zebie: Part Two

"You don't sell any at all?" I asked.

Victorie looked at me and her smile lessened a little. "No, I'm afraid not."

by goodsigns

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Finest Christmas Food

Then there are the Neopians who might get tired of having the same thing on their plate each year. It's old, boring, and eventually becomes tasteless. This is where we come in to save you from that this holiday. We will now introduce the information that has been gathered for each of the following foods. We have tried each of these foods ourselves to make sure they're up to par for this season and enjoyable for you! If you're ready for a change in your annual meal, then you have come to the right spot...

Other Stories


A Day of Giving Sandstorm
"I've celebrated so many Days of Giving in my life...." he sighed. "They all seem the same to me now."

by blackghoulmon


A Different Type of Present
"So," she finally says, breaking the silence, but not the tension, "do you think we'll be able to go to the Advent Calendar in two days?"

by snowflakesandfrost


A Guide to Neopia's Finest Foods for This Christmas
If you're ready for a change in your annual meal, then you have come to the right spot.

Also by deathbykarma

by melaiv


The Day of Giving – A Gift Giving Guide
Everybody knows that it's the thought that counts!

by pinkpaint


Blah Blah -Christmas-
Hard work.

by highwind20


Ventures #26: Christmas
Aftermath Part 1. Having some second and third thoughts this holiday season.

by neo_coaster363

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