Preparing Neopia for the Meepits Circulation: 189,880,593 Issue: 561 | 7th day of Gathering, Y14
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Continued Series

Tales from Neopia Central: Part Eight

He was an insurance salesman. And, in his humble opinion, not a vastly good one at that.

Largely out of coincidence and misunderstanding the little yellow Kacheek had seen himself rise to the level of Director of Operations...

by herdygerdy

A Faerie Tale: Part Five

All I could think about was Sunrise, about the betrayal on her face as the Pirates surrounded us in the Meridell marketplace, about how I'd done nothing to stop them from taking her away...

by lastavenger
I Will Stand Alone: Part Three

He hoped Nightsteed had managed to find Seji. The dungeons were full of listening spells – and Jazan didn't like his chances of managing to foil all of them...

by saphira_27
Never Finish Last: Part Three

Fenny returns to strapping her sling, not bother a 'hello', while Lilo swiftly slams his locker door and approaches the newcomer. As the Blumaroo approaches, Squeaky swallows some of his nerves...

Art by renzyboy

by renzyboy

The Legend of Premium Bat: Part Two

Descending the staircase carefully, Battius walked through what seemed like miles of passageway. Finally, he began to see a light...

Also by jair_lorce

by crocodile_babiez

Petpet Adventures: Windrider - Part Two

They had 'anchored' off the shore of the Tyrannian Jungle that morning, and now the ship was creaking back and forth...

by rachelindea
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"A Well-Deserved Vacation" by panda_girl555
She really needed a vacation. And that was a large irony in and of itself. She worked at a Neolodge, after all. "Welcome to the Royal Neopian, how may I help you?" the Shoyru said promptly, a speech she had rehearsed many times...

Other Stories


Uni Battle!
It was a bright and cheery morning in Meri Acres. The birds were in the orchards, signing merrily as if it were their last. The sun heated the land pleasantly, baking the farm road into a golden brown.

by countess_of_ondore


A Well-Deserved Vacation
She really needed a vacation. And that was a large irony in and of itself. She worked at a Neolodge, after all.

by panda_girl555


Malling: A Very Effective Way to Make Millions
The ins and outs of successful shop keeping, along with a few insider-secrets.

by sarahbunnii


10 Super Cool Uses for Yoyos You Never Thought Of
Have you taken the time before to see past the toy, and look at it from a different perspective?

by spelt


The Youngest #13
Trying to get the Turmaculus avatar...

by fariy287


The Legendary Flower?
Things aren't always what they seem, are they?

Idea by immortal_demon2000

by fluffiehmedic

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