Neopia's Fill-in-the-blank News Source Circulation: 186,575,100 Issue: 506 | 5th day of Hiding, Y13
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Continued Series

Messenger: The Trouble With Selkets - Part Six

"No!" Midnight cried, pushing herself through the crowd in an effort to get at her daughter. "There must be some mistake!"

by hedgehog_queen
Visions: Journey to Shenkuu - Part Five

Nil watched Karan as he lead, thinking about the dream she had a couple of nights ago. Not only am I in danger, but he is, too. I should at least warn him after all he's done for me.

by yotoll
They Think it's All Over: Part Three

Jennings sighed. "The public will need to be told before then. You will need to make an announcement."

The Judge snorted. "And start a riot?"

by herdygerdy

Of Potions and Paintbrushes: Part Seven

The events that followed were all a bit of a blur for Frostgleam. She could hear Marcus, the Skeith guard, yell to one of the other guards. The cadence of two pairs of heavy boots against the hard floor reverberated through the maze of safety deposit boxes.

Also by antiaircraft

by masaryk_the_mad

More Powerful than Magic: Part Four

"I am the Games Master! Please leave, unless you wish me to utterly defeat you."

by saphira_27
Baroque Storm: Part Three

The Catacombs became ours, gradually, over the years. There's tunnels that no one's ever found, and then there's tunnels that people have found but no one's ever found them...

by wicked_summer
The Jewel of Maraqua: Part Two

"Without the Jewel," the King began, "Neopia's oceans will not survive."

by blazingcatwings
Scarlet Shadow: Secrets of a Kingdom - Part Two

"I know because I've dealt with pirates before," she replied curtly.

Kiel's eyes widened. "You what?!"

by kathleen_kate

Scarblade's Pearl: Memories in Maraqua - Part Two

"Isca, Caylis... Nira," said the king with a nod. Nira didn't like the slight hesitation before he spoke her name.

by theloverpokemonqueen
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Ultimate Toybox Escape

This is one of the older games on Neopets, but it is one of my favourites. What makes me enjoy this game so much? Well, nearly every other single game on the site needs some type of luck, whether it is hoping for a certain type of power up, bonus points or an extra life to play longer. Toybox Escape does not have this luck requirement...

Other Stories


The Blue Screen of DEATH!
Aristotle A. Avinroo bit his lip and squinted.

by chimp_chicken_fish


A Day at the National Neopian
"I don't believe I've ever seen you here in the National Neopian. Would you like to set up an account with us?"

by someguy_1000


Top Ten Wearables For Babies
Many users have fallen in love with these adorable pets and now own at least one. However, for customisers such as myself, the challenge comes in dressing them up in the cutest fashions...

by auraichadora


The Dos and Don'ts of the Art Gallery
From one artist to another.

by pinkpaint


Saly's Club: Links
I love interactive comics! Go Saly, you're almost there!

by djudju22_8


More Hardships of...Habitarium P3s 16
Ooooh, distraction!

by alagfalaswen

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