Caution: Quills may be sharp Circulation: 185,375,380 Issue: 494 | 13th day of Hunting, Y13
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Continued Series

The Remnant: Part Twelve

"Speak now, Mr. Lockwood, and you can save your sister," the faerie said, her unwavering gaze fixed on his.

by jokerhahaazzz
The Prophecy Faeries 3: Linisa's Return - Part Ten

"Claire, that's not possible. Khorianna died five hundred years ago. You don't even know what she sounds like!"

by alex313
The Squire and the Scholar: Part Six

With a thunderous roar, a Werelupe came out of a doorway up ahead.

Lisha shrieked...

by saphira_27

Worlds Apart: Part Eight

"Is it painful?" She gestured at his flaming molten skin.

"Huh? Oh, no, it's great. Like being in a toaster during the winter."

by tanikagillam

Crossed Paths and Blades: Part Six

Jacques and Armin hurried through the tunnels, careful to watch out for pirates from Scarblade's crew...

by medit92
The Knowledge: Part Four

Jennings was curiously impressed with Mr. Hodgeson's system. It weeded out everyone except the perfect, and ensured that only reliable taxi carriages would be able to operate in Neopia Central.

by herdygerdy
Princess of Prophecy II: Kalara's Secret - Part Four

I closed my eyes tightly. This was it—just like Xandra, I was going to become Katriana's tool.

by saeryena
Enchanted Stories: Terror on the Mountain - Part Two

I stopped, puzzled; the book just ended there. There were many more pages, but they all turned out to be blank.

by kristykimmy
Within the Games: Part Four

"Oh, I'm so stupid! I knew that I shouldn't have dragged Margo here! I knew it!!! I'm a despicable being! Oh why, oh why did this happen? I'm a horrible friend!" cried Marine.

by yoshifan272
The Sorceress: Part Four

Caylis turned. "Oh, hello, Isca," she said without much emotion. She narrowed her eyes. "Who's the Xweetok?"

by stella_123_5
Rebecca's Best Friend: Part Three

Whenever I walk across the hallways at school, people do not notice me. The worst thing is, I don't notice people, either.

by mannequin_of_jack
Karifki's Beginning: Part Three

Jakes turned and looked in the direction that the fireball came from and yelled, "Jeez, Rox! You almost killed me!"

by hottie_score06
The 404: Part Two

I slouched angrily into Ms. Vladderly's Pretty Decent Living Allotments (because "apartment building" had recently been deemed "too common" by the proprietor herself) and stopped at the front desk.

by fuzzymonkey31
Scarblade's Pearl: Part Two

Nira had never thought she'd come face to face with the Captain, let alone be taken under his wing.

by theloverpokemonqueen
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Altador Cup: Analysis

On the Neoboards, the chatgroups are revving up. The annual questions are stirring: who will win, who will lose; who will surprise, who will disappoint; is the winner's curse still legit, or will a former champion not just break into the top tier this time, but re-claim the Cup? Many of these questions won't be answered until the Cup gets underway, but we can take a good stab at some of them right now...

Other Stories


The Lost Locket
"Where are we going?" I panted as Lulu glided gracefully in the cool morning air. She swooped down to the ground, picked something up, and landed on my shoulder with a daisy in her tiny paw.

by tooxie


With You All the Time
The Pound near midnight was a scary place, haunted by the nightmares and tears of abandoned pets.

by thediractor


Tyrammet: A Study in Happiness
Tyrammet celebrates the Monoceraptor's downfall.

But, still, that happened in 2001. Tyrammet is still partying it up. Why?

by kelly947


Altador Cup VI: The Team Files Part 3
In this edition, I'll be going through four more teams in the run up to the long awaited annual competition...

by zinkidy_dink


Peppered Reality: "Poke it with a Stick"
Can I break off one of your Aisha ears?

Idea by hawk400206

by rivliex


3 Royals plus 1
The reason why TNT converted the pets...

by white_tiger0226

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