Chet Flash wuz here Circulation: 184,867,935 Issue: 484 | 4th day of Running, Y13
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Continued Series

Scarlet Shadow: Secrets and Reunions - Part Four

"Bar the gates!" Cenoal yelled as he and Crystal ran inside.

by kathleen_kate
Bottled Beauty: Part Seven

I had fled to the one place in the Lost Desert I knew I would be alone: the shallow river beyond Coltzan’s shrine.

by vanessa1357924680
Lady Sandstorm: Part Five

"So that way must be the room that fills with water! It's down a flight of stairs. Tomos and I fell in there, and then we went that way – so that way must be the library we found!"

by saphira_27
The Snow Princess: A Terror Mountain Tale - Part Three

The prince walked towards his princess, to tell her of this dreadful news. "My Lady, I have received word of our homeland..."

by bluecloud300
On His Majesty's Secret Service: Part Four

Fredrick woke with the immediate feeling that he had been hit over the head with a sizable portion of the planet.

by herdygerdy
Six Names, Six Lives, Six Owners, One Terrible Tale: Part Five

Finally, a nurse came into Reijo's room. "Honey," she said to me with one of those fake-o nurse smiles. "Your other brother would like to see you."

by ilovcanis
The Remnant: Part Two

It was a generally known fact that Lockwood was not at his best before, during, or shortly after breakfast. Nevertheless, Lisha summoned up the courage to bid him good morning.

by jokerhahaazzz
Oh No, Not Again...: Part Two

If you're the type of creature that trusts evil overlords when they say nothing is going to go wrong, you won't be long for this world.

by fuzzymonkey31
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"The Beast in the Tomb" by henna1993
As she lay back on the beach, watching the first stars twinkle like faeries high, high up, Clara sighed contentedly. A perfect end to a perfect day. Even after all these days, she still could not believe her luck. To actually have won a trip to Mystery Island!

Other Stories


PPL: The Petrified Pie Liberators
"Depetrification is an unpredictable science."

by nuvakat


Secret of the North Beach
The north beach had always seemed a bit spooky, especially that little cave. . .

by chestnuttiger787


Two World Travelers - Mystery Island
In honor of the Gadgadsbogen Festival, today we're taking a look at the best Mystery Island has to offer.

Also by neveahsgates

by oobajooba


The Forgotten Pets
Obscure pets and great-looking colors for them!

by movie138music


Wishing... Where?
Have you found it?

Also by alphapunkrocker

by greelon


Who Took the Cookie from the Cookie Jar?

by icanhaskaila

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