Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 184,086,337 Issue: 480 | 4th day of Awakening, Y13
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Continued Series

Unrest: Part Six

"Read books she wasn't allowed to?" a faerie asked sharply as she strode into the room after Annette and Raven. "What books?"

by linda_reincarnated
College Days: A Pirate Adventure - Part Five

"Sy and Horax are still on that ship!" he exclaimed. "We have to help them!"

by newenglandquizzer
Remembering Rue: Part Four

Had her life been better before this? Rue didn't know.

by hedgehog_queen
The Great Race: Part Five

"The Haunted Woods is a different place at night. Things wake up, things move, paths that were there before are gone."

by solcana64
I'm Runner: Part Five

"I don't think Dante would mind. You should probably tell him."

by peachwriting
Outcasts: Part Three

Daffodil was baffled. School was far more complicated than she had expected. And the other pets DID, in fact, own proper shoes!

by dragon_imaginer
Beyond the Blossom Tree: Part Two

Horror made my head spin. Moving? Cleo was... moving? But no! She couldn't! She couldn't! I needed her!

by puppy_girl252
Bottled Beauty: Part Three

I glanced at the clock. 7:54. I had let my alarm ring for almost a half hour and hadn't heard it. I was going to be late for school.

by vanessa1357924680
Before the Tale: Part Two

"Do you even know where Sophie lives?" Jaycee hissed at Sebastian as she glared darkly at their surroundings.

by tanikagillam
The Fall of Faerieland: Part Two

"Something's burning."

by thediractor
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"Lady Sandstorm" by saphira_27
"...where she will remain." King Jazan the Fourth finished telling the story and stood, going to each of his twin desert Ixi's beds and tucking them in. "Now, good night, Caspar. Good night, Esmeralda." The little prince's eyes were already closed, but his sister was still wide-awake. "Daddy, is she under the earth until forever?" Nabile got up from her chair. "Forever and ever. The only power Lady Sandstorm has left in Neopia is to keep you from going to sleep if you keep talking, silly Aldie..."

Other Stories


Fated or Fabricated?
Was he ready for this journey, for the discovery it would bring? He didn't know. He only knew that right there, right then, he was going to realize his dream. He was going to Kreludor.

by goo761_


Not Your Average Heist
"We have no time to waste. Get ready and meet me in Meridell this evening," Jhudora whispered fiercely.

by ennaxor60


Why Jhudora is the Best Faerie Ever
First of all, Jhudora actually LIVES in Faerieland, unlike those deserters, Illusen and Taelia.

by warrior_cats_freak10


Zafara Day Gift Ideas
It may come as a surprise to some owners that Zafaras wouldn't enjoy just ANY item. Yep, can you believe it?

Also by xbebedawlx

by retrean


Blechy Paving Stones
And that's... how they're made. =))

by mooglerz


Adolescents - Unexpected Newcomer
How much is forever?

by kineclap

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