Up-to-date coverage on faerie wars Circulation: 190,868,778 Issue: 448 | 18th day of Relaxing, Y12
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Continued Series

Meepits vs Feepits... Vs Dr. Sloth: Part Nine

Fyora gazed around Dr. Sloth's private room in amazement. The whole room seemed to be in chaos, especially his sock drawer...

Also by shirahli

by orlando_bloom_bigfan

Zombie Nation: Part Four

Magic. The word had barely left the mind of Mr. Jennings all night. The very concept of it unsettled him.

by herdygerdy
From a Rock to a Hard Place: Part Seven

'So you finally caught on to me.'

by ellbot1998
The Conspiracy: Part Seven

It was Cecilia's unpleasant duty to inform Lockwood that she was leaving. "So soon?" he exclaimed, and she was gratified to hear a note of genuine regret in his voice.

by jokerhahaazzz
March of the Fire: Part Six

I had been so close; I could have been the world's greatest adventurer, world renowned for my expedition to the Lost Isle. But I was in a dungeon in the middle of a volcano...

Art by blizard131

by blizard131

Revolution Undercloud: Part Five

"Skye," he whispered heartbrokenly. She didn’t recognize him as who he truly was, and it was like meeting a stranger. A hostile stranger.

by tealnova_dragon
Princess Bones: Part Five

"A secret passage," Saya said simply. "There are tons throughout the castle. They were built to keep the royal family safe in case of an attack."

by vanessa1357924680
The Adventure Before Dinner: Part Four

"So... you're hiding in a vent that doesn't lead anywhere instead of just sitting in this prison cell that is, like, fifty times bigger."

by umbreon54399
Coltzan IV and the Not-So-Brilliant Bet: Part Two

"I don't think all of us should go on this journey," Talina said carefully.

by meggierules2129
Secrets of the Space Necklace: Part Three

"According to this, the necklace is actually the Space Faerie's Token!"

by downrightdude
The Truth About Meepits: Part Two

Bear and her sisters are lost in the woods. Something is lurking near... what is it? Their greatest fear? Or their imagination?

by puppy_girl252
Ascension: Part Three

'Faerie!' someone suddenly cried. Aria felt a rush of immediate distaste for the ungracious hail.

by d_morton
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"Tatterwings" by saphira_27
"If I were still an Earth Faerie, I would be even worse off. And then I get sad again about not being an Earth Faerie anymore. I know I shouldn’t let myself be melancholy, but..." Rafe finished her sentence. "It's hard. And I know it's hard for you. I can't imagine how hard it must be. But you know why we're here... in the only place on the surface of Neopia more ugly than the Tyrannian plateau." As if he had to say it! She couldn't go an hour without thinking about it...

Other Stories


The Secret Club
"I solemwy swear to keep dis cwub a secwet..."

by shade_the_great


The Forgotten Fountain Faerie
A long time ago, there were no Fountain Faerie quests. The Rainbow Fountain was open for any Neopian to use, free of charge.

by blazingcatwings


Magma, Magma, Blasted Away
You play as an Alien Aisha whose goal is to save the citizens of Tyrannia from the falling rocks spewed by a nearby volcano.

by pikakirby123


Birthdays on a Budget
Now we can only speak for ourselves, but the birthday cake is the pinnacle of the birthday.

Also by Iam2artc4u204

by danceswithpampers


A Lil Vacation: Pack up! (1)
Even Tarla went on a tour!

by lil_sugar_mint


At the Altador Cup
Guys and Girls

Also by konayukii

by autotune

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