Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 180,042,246 Issue: 446 | 4th day of Relaxing, Y12
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Continued Series

Unlikely Allies: Part Eight

"If Ciona's hurt at all, I'm going to make someone really sorry that they messed with Team Faerieland."

by smoothiegrrl
Undercover Defenders - The New Partner: Part Six

"Did you expect that you could get into the Guild disguised like that? Now the whole place knows we're here!"

by popso_the_hopso
Meepits vs Feepits... Vs Dr. Sloth: Part Seven

At the end of the corridor were four Grundo security guards dragging what looked suspiciously like three meepits towards a large, scary looking door...

Also by shirahli

by orlando_bloom_bigfan

Zombie Nation: Part Two

It soon became clear to him that in Neopia Central, just like in the Haunted Woods, Zombies were second class citizens.

by herdygerdy
From a Rock to a Hard Place: Part Five

"Where do you think YOU'RE going?"

by ellbot1998
The Conspiracy: Part Five

"You are my spell," he stated uncertainly, as though he wished to reassure himself of the fact.

by jokerhahaazzz
March of the Fire: Part Four

I swallowed. This was my big moment to shine. Finally, I was doing something interesting with my life.

Art by blizard131

by blizard131

Revolution Undercloud: Part Three

Sloth led him further into the hallway. "I repeat, this plan is very, very simple..."

by tealnova_dragon
Princess Bones: Part Three

What he had said had to be impossible... and yet it made perfect sense.

by vanessa1357924680
The Adventure Before Dinner: Part Two

The ice cream made one huge leap, and it collided straight into the wall and fell on its side, and the top fell off.

by umbreon54399
Visions and Vanishings: Part Three

"I want those lasers spotless, or I'll report this to Sloth!"

by chax1414
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"How I Got Banned From Kelp" by preencessno
It started off as a totally non-havoc causing trip to Kelp, necessitated by a certain, uh, trouble in the kitchen at my Neohome. I don't have a kitchen, you say? Well, no, not anymore. Don't put fire spits indoors, kids. Or surround them with easily flammable objects, like chairs and mountains of Christmas crackers. And Sandcastle Dynamite. Oh, how were we to know it was a bad idea?

Other Stories


The Faerie and the Fair
"Oh, but I can't," Antikia pleaded, feeling a surge of fear rush through her. "I--I can't fly away."

by micrody


How I Got Banned From Kelp
It started off as an totally non-havoc causing trip to Kelp, necessitated by a certain, uh, trouble in the kitchen at my Neohome.

by preencessno


Zombie Survival 101
They won't seem so cute while they're gnawing on your head.

by marina5_55


Faerie Make-Up Tips: Get the Look!
Want to look as fab as your favorite faerie? Then check out their dazzling make-up tips!

by meggierules2129


Cheesy Jokes - Fyora Day!
Starr... You're not too bright...

by cheesetwo__ff


Food for All- Dish #10
Don't leave me!

by maiinoki

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