A Waffle Paradise Circulation: 179,112,207 Issue: 439 | 16th day of Eating, Y12
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Continued Series

Scarlet Shadow: A Knight's Reckoning - Part Six

"Crystal, this attack... it's just..." The earth faerie took a deep breath. "There's been talk of a these creatures forming some sort of alliance."

by kathleen_kate
The Winds of Change: Part Five

"Feather told me that she needed some 'outside help' for the big battle against Sloth..."

by icedragon_14_1
Viva la Resistance!: Part Two

"Good, I do like it when I don't have to introduce myself," he said. "The reason I ask is out of good manners. You see, I know exactly who you are."

by herdygerdy
Daylight's Dirge: Part Four

The next three days passed in a blur. Pariel unloaded his ship, examining each piece of metal to see whether or not it was useable as it was.

by kittengriffin
Jhudora's Revenge: Part Three

Only Jhudora had dared to go to the dark side of Kreludor, and only she knew what secrets the shadows hid.

by ewagon
To the Infamous, We Salute You: Part Three

"Where are we going, anyway?" asked Tally.

Vyxtra grinned. "To my little hideaway."

by water_glass

The Puppet Girl: Part Two

What was I going to do? I couldn't do the solo part the the Ribbon Dance performance and win the 'Best Puppet' contest!

by puppy_girl252
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Grey Day: Guide

It's supposedly a festival to celebrate all our wonderful, Grey Neopians... But we must ask ourselves: is this really what Grey Day is all about? Well, sorry to inform you, but this is exactly what Grey Day is not. Grey Day is, first of all, very gloomy. This is the most grim time of the year, and I don't mean just for pets that are painted Grey in particular. Grey Day affects all of Neopia. It doesn't matter if you're in Faerieland, Krawk Island...

Other Stories


Fading to Joy
Growing up, Vaesrin has always been more comfortable to be the observer rather than the observed...

Also by repulsives

by ava_ked


Solitary Epiphany
What was I, but a single speck of dust in a world that expected me to be great, before I could find myself?

by sylviau


Kreludor Revealed: Gravity, a Stick, and a Top Hat
Think, dear reader, think! The fate of Neopia could lie in your hands.

by simpleregret


How to Survive Grey Day: A Guide
*This story is not a guide on what to avoid in case of zombie apocalypse.

by notonetobequiet


Birth of a Grey Faerie!
Poor Fyora!!!

by timmyythegreat405


Always Errors
Do I have to?

by autumn_belll

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