For an easier life Circulation: 176,293,108 Issue: 421 | 4th day of Celebrating, Y11
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Continued Series

Brightvale History: The Two Kings - Part Seven

"Someone tried to kill Vienna?" Milan sat down, swallowing hard and his eyes wide in shock. "Why?"

by nimras23
Inheritance: Part Eight

Her limbs froze again, and she jerked to a stop. A low chuckle came from behind her.

by shadow_sabre_
How to Save the World of Insurance in Six Easy Parts: Part Five

"Quite so, sir," he agreed. "Though why the master needs to throw a party when he has a death threat hanging over his head is quite beyond me."

by herdygerdy
Fireheart: Part Six

Today was a mock match between Sir Jeran and Sir Remus, and Lady Aroma seemed determined to drag me along and make it miserable for me.

by royal_magicain
Chronicles of the Shadow Princess II - Allies: Part Four

Dawn was up with the Sun. But she was startled that once she got up, Masque opened her eyes. The Kougra must've had ears as good as her own.

by nagara_and_samarae
Scarlet Shadow: A Scepter Full of Trouble - Part Four

"Do you know how to handle swords?" Skarl asked just as Scarlet was about to leave.

by kathleen_kate
Shadows: Part Six

Sixteen-year-old Mae was sitting in her bedroom, trying to remember something. Her forgetfulness had grown incredibly over the years...

by iris220_ll
The Magical Rubber Duck: Part Three

"What?!" Carissa rushed over and knelt, looking at her pack. "It can't be! I'm absolutely, positively sure that these were neopoints!"

by 5qua5h5qua5h
The Wise Whoot: Guardian of the Elements - Part Two

"We're going into the forest, okay?" Rivulet mumbled, keeping her voice low. "I want you to keep this a secret! Alright?"

by bluehamster9981
Difficulties: Part Two

"This will be your new home until you're adopted. If you're adopted, that is."

by majikel
A Very Peophin Christmas: Part Two

"I would like to ask for you to come home with me. You see, I would like to complete my family by adopting you again!"

by babygirl229911
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"The Lutaris are Late" by mintacia
Panic hit the island, as Lutaris disappeared back into their houses, yelling to each other with excitement. Pets scrambled for clothes, backpacks, and their trinkets. Mothers instructed their children sternly, doing their best to prep the young for their first ever Create-a-Pet festival. "Stand up straight, brush your fur, always say 'yes sir'..."

Other Stories


Sailing Around Neopia
Kanya is my little sister. She and I were planning on sailing around all of Neopia, then flying to Faerieland, Kreludor and the Space Station.

by blah_of_ha


Sophie versus Goldrun
"What do you mean, 'It can't hear me'?" demanded Sophie, then ten times louder, "Am I speaking loud enough for you, paper?!"

by a_purplepossum


Kad Feeding 101
To feed a Kadoatie, you need to have the item in your inventory and click on the picture of the Kad.

by blackwater444


Your Personalized NC Mall Album Guide
Find out fun ways to personalize your NC Mall Album!

by babyozark


Blah Blah Christmas (Part 2 of 4)
You may have green hair but you're no tree...

by highwind20


Questionable Consumers
The NC Mall...

by sp4de

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