Meow Circulation: 175,033,999 Issue: 413 | 9th day of Collecting, Y11
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Continued Series

Island's Own: Part Eight

"This is the worst plan ever," Nella grumbled.

by laurvail
Ember and the Chocolate Ball: Part Four

"Where have you been all night?! I've been looking for you everywhere! I thought we were gonna hang out."

by hc_huggle
The Traitor: Part Five

"Well, what do you want me to do?" the Krawk demanded in exasperation. "Do you really want to gamble with dear little Lisha's life?"

by jokerhahaazzz
There is No Cost to Friendship: Part Three

She was the perfect image of a Xweetok. Why wouldn't Corrine want to sit with her at lunch? Why wouldn't Sam invite her over to her house?

by jbergz8495
The Foster: Part Five

Savannah glanced over at her oldest pet. Madalleena had collapsed when she had seen Sam the night before.

by babygirl229911
Quests in the Lost Desert: Part Three

"The necklace," gasped Horace.

The Grarrl drew his ominous blade and fiercely demanded, "Give it to me!"

by a_purplepossum

The Greatest Story Never Told: Part Two

"I said," Sebastian practically bellowed, "Have you got any idea where Dr Sloth lives?"

by tanikagillam
Jimmy's Vacation: Part Two

"Well, Mommy and Daddy can't affor..." Tidey shut his mouth quickly as if he said too much.

by 5qua5h5qua5h
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"Folds, A Shenkuu Legend" by dragon10044
The task, year after year, was to fold one hundred paper Quintilcs and display them in the courtyard of the Lunar Temple. The creations would then be judged, and a winner would be chosen based on not only the beauty of the display, but the heart that went into it as well. However, as time wore on, heart began to have less and less influence...

Other Stories


Let Me Tell You the Truth
"Bu-but, Elliot, that's Mr. Pottinger's farm; what if he sees you?"

by ilovethelionking1


Folds, A Shenkuu Legend
The task, year after year, was to fold one hundred paper Quintilcs and display them in the courtyard of the Lunar Temple.

by dragon10044


Be A Star
A guide to help you become both a better writer and to get the Neopian Times avatar.

by cheeseworld101


Appreciating Autumn: It won't be a disappointment!
This guide will help you and your Neopet find something exciting, energising or maybe just perfectly relaxing to do this Autumn.

by nerdytiger


At least that second pair of ears is good for something!

by hermione_890_neo


The Misadventures of Swank and Kale
You are too kind.

by funkiemonkee903

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