Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 174,142,867 Issue: 408 | 4th day of Gathering, Y11
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Continued Series

James Nexis - Betrayal: Part Eight

Normally he would have relished a fight, but this time James had Deirdre to think of. And so, he forced a smile onto his face.

by punctuation_ninja
The Dragon Flower: Part Seven

"Please, let me out! I know we have docked! I will be good, I promise! Please, let me out!" Lopina bellowed through the door.

by waterfairyrani
Shattered Sunlight: Part Five

The pattern wasn't good. Shenkuu's troops, represented by the golden tokens, held the high ground near the City, but the high ground farther out belonged to Sloth...

by kittengriffin
Celandine: Part Four

Once outside the walls of Brightvale, Lanshar stopped and confronted Para. "After all these years, you've never told us where you came from..."

by yampuff
Witches in the Shadows: Part Five

Edna pushed Maria away awkwardly. "Not dead is a state I've got quite used to being in," she replied, dusting herself off.

by herdygerdy
After the Altador Cup: Part Three

Mirsha lit up. "Garven! That might be the answer to her spell casting!"

by crazy_4_sushi
Underdogs: Part Two

"Nah, Poke, nobody went swimming," Colb said. "We all know there's a big scary captain who'll blow the whistle if anyone starts having fun."

Art by nut862

by nut862

Island's Own: Part Three

The Techo Master was still giving us the death stare. "I hope you have a good explanation for being in an expressly forbidden area."

by laurvail
In Other Words: Part Two

"You better hurry up and pack. We're leaving here in about an hour for the Haunted Woods."

by vanessa1357924680
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"NeoSchool (Just My Luck)" by jamba_jukeba
The teacher looked around for my name under her class list. "Honey, your name isn't here. You are supposed to be in Room 03." Great. I entered the wrong classroom, on the very first day. It was a totally different grade, too...

Other Stories


Change and Choice
A year passed. How everything can change in a year.

by allyssa_renne


Addie and Me
When my owner made me, a green Xweetok, she thought I was the cutest. My name is just a scramble of numbers and letters...

by spiderpigkid


Bomberry Bonanza!
You won't need just one cup of water after you are done reading THIS article!

by dragonstorm_75


Bonju's Secret Uncovered—The Hunters Who Found Him
Three years ago on Blumaroo Day, the Chef Bonju avatar was announced in the news. Little did anyone know what those little orange pixels would come to represent...

Art by tashni

by tashni


Completely Smart - Annoying Petpets
A small object falls out.

by ms_meepit


NO! It Wasn't Me!
Good thing there's the....

by toffeedatepudding

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