Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 173,432,373 Issue: 405 | 14th day of Hiding, Y11
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Continued Series

James Nexis - Betrayal: Part Five

"Don't take it personally, please. He's a reporter; he can't help himself."

by punctuation_ninja
Issue 400: A Confession - Part Six


"Which one?"

Also by sariphe

by chocolateisamust

In Perfect Harmony: Part Three

"I never liked performing; honestly, I try to avoid it. So why enter a contest that gives you a chance to perform?"

by cheeseworld101
The Dragon Flower: Part Four

Twelve days... Amina thought to herself and watched the clouds go by. That's really far away. I wonder if we will ever see Ms. Forest again.

by waterfairyrani
Shattered Sunlight: Part Two

"Kiko Lake was destroyed two days ago."

by kittengriffin
The Greatest Scheme of Tor: Part Two

"Come to Papa, whinnies!" Tor yelled...

Also by sambundrick963

by alexrae963

Witches in the Shadows: Part Two

The figure, still clad tightly in robes that obscured most of his form, checked the contents of a small bag. Inside, over a dozen Lightmites buzzed, filling the bag with their pure yellow glow.

by herdygerdy
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"The Knight from Brightvale" by dragonstorm_75
Now that Brightvale was calling to arms, he felt as if his wish had come true with flying colors, but when he started his training, he was thoroughly disappointed. Mainly because the Overseer was as capable with a mace as a turdle, but also because he was so inexperienced that he once cut a braid of hair from his training partner during an exercise...

Other Stories


The Aisha and the S750 Kreludan Defender Robot

by goodsigns


What Would You Wish For?
When celebi came up the stairs and asked them what book they wanted to have read to them, Othello immediately ran up...

by celebi797


A Basic Guide To Capsules
Why it's so great, what to look for when deciding what to buy, capsules of special interest, and, you know, all that good stuff.

by jas7229


You Are Funding the Potato Counter
What on earth could my Neopets be :)ing about when they had been in Roach Towers Hotel for about the seventeenth month in a row?

by yellowsugardog


Black and White
The true Reason this Captain was never feared

by nadrianathebeast


Shopping spree!...?

by yuzu_004

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