White Weewoos don't exist. *shifty eyes* Circulation: 172,538,252 Issue: 401 | 17th day of Swimming, Y11
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Continued Series

The Curse: Part Nine

"A call for you, Mr. Lockwood," explained the Kau maid with a curtsy. "Miss Johnson wants to see you. She says it's urgent, sir – seemed very upset."

by jokerhahaazzz
An Iliad: Part Seven

"The only reason that they didn't finish us back there was because they realized Jerdana was coming."

by eternus_dragon
Roomies 4: Part Nine

"Isn't this one so pretty?" Jhudora smiled dreamily, gesturing to the Faerieland model. "It's such a pretty little house..."

by vanessa1357924680
A Very Neovian Election: Part Seven

You wish to make a deal with us? the darkness questioned...

by herdygerdy
The Broken Soul: Promises and War - Part Seven

"Now, what can I help you with, majesty?" She grinned as if finding herself hilariously clever for knowing who Cove was.

by ayame_23
Issue 400: A Confession - Part Two

The other royals, of course, were doggedly unamused by the spectacle.

Also by sariphe

by chocolateisamust

Snowfall's Solstice: Part Six

Quicker than a streak of lightning, she flexed her wings and sprang up beside me, slamming a torrent of pure ice into the ground. For a second I just stood there like an idiot...

by soupfaerie_best
Molly - Back to The Box: Part Four

"Sorry to bother you, but have you seen a lonely faerie meowclops anywhere?"

by orlando_bloom_bigfan
Unforeseen Adventures: The Tomb - Part Three

The Hissi's evil, malevolent, red eyes immobilized his body. He could not look away.

by meghen200
Antagonism: Part Two

And now Momoko was going to leave her twin brother to work for some poor human for a worthless salary?

by lion_trainer
The Adventures of Lucy: Part Three

"This is Geneva. We just met her while we were waiting for you. She checked in a little bit ago."

by majikel
A Single Prediction: Part Four

"If I couldn't surprise you, then I wouldn't be very good at defending Neopia."

by be2aware
The Messenger: Part Two

"Once," she said quietly, her eyes gazing off into the distance, "I had a dream."

by iamcanadian1428
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Popularity Is Just a Word

What did they do wrong, why do people fewer people like them than the vain Uni? Why are they not classified as "popular"? These are questions I'm sure they are constantly pondering- so I took some time to examine the 6 bottom easy-to-create pets and look through their flaws and strengths to find why they reside so low on the list and explain why Neopians may want to give them a second glance...

Other Stories


What's My Gift?
Right from the start, I was a lively Ixi...

by turtle_squash


The Pirate and the Princess
No. He'd been told to stay put. And though he didn't like it, he wasn't going to worry his owner by disappearing.

by alhan_shadowseeker


Life Without Toilet Paper?
It's time to get down to all the clever items they HAVEN'T come up with!

by indulgences


Oranges are tangy, delicious and, quote, 'bursting with vitamin C.' What's not to love about them?

by madkgoser


Blizzard: Wishing Well
Aussehen wants to play with the wishing well.

by flyingfox07


The Ithalyas Chronicles - The Stormbringer #1
A new place; a new story.

by kattrish

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