A Waffle Paradise Circulation: 174,678,884 Issue: 382 | 6th day of Running, Y11
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Continued Series

The Adventures of Jake the Explorer!: Part Eight

"If you buy something, I MIGHT have a tale for you," the Shoyru said.

by aisha_enchantress110
Sky Pirates!: Part Six

"I'm sure you are, Mr. Halflook, and I fully intend to pay you," Qin replied. "However, this unscrupulous character has seized the Neopoints I owe you."

by herdygerdy
A Mysterious Heir: Part Six

Syri closed her eyes and waited to be thrown in a cell for the second time today.

by dancer_sakura
Farside Base: Part Five

"Tea-drinking traitor, tea-drinking traitor..." the other members of Farside Patrol taunted...

by freefalldreams
Her Majesty's Champions: Part Five

The six Champions dismounted outside the Faerie Palace and bid their mounts goodbye. Sartos muttered, "Here goes nothing."

by saphira_27
Cycle of the Moon: Part Seven

As Ganduo walked, he was aware that there was little need to worry. No Neopets were foolish enough to be caught outside in the middle of the Lunar Festival.

by reggieman721
An Unlikely Group of Heroes: Part Five

"Maybe we shouldn't try the front doors," the Soup Faerie suggested.

by _lapaix
Outsider Within: Face of Evil - Part Four

"I am a blank page. This is my beginning."

by tashni
A Star-Spattered Sky: Part Three

"Such a nice girl," Silver said, shaking his head. "Such a good pirate."

by buds_and_authors
Regrets and Forgiveness: Part Two

"Look out, Lilly!! I'M COMING TO SAVE YOU!!" he bellowed...

by reeses_pet
Handed in for an English Homework: Part Two

Then, last of all, she had written 'Sorry for what I'm about to do.' My blood ran cold.

by ralph89170
Against the Current: Part Two

"No, Nash, that's really very brave of you, but it's far too dangerous," Mrs. Green said with a weak smile.

by the_real_poetess_123
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"The 'End' of Polly the Spotted Gelert" by ballerinafaerie
"Yes, sir?" I asked politely. "You can't hog the bench. Others need to use it. Now get yourself home!" He was growling now, his voice low and menacing. I felt quite scared. I hopped off the bench and scurried down the street before he could realise that I had no home to go to. To be honest, I would have expected that to be obvious in the first place, what with my newspaper duvet and wooden bench mattress...

Other Stories


NTY - A Story of an Unwanted Lupe
I didn't think I was that bad of a pet, that my own master wouldn't even want me... I guess I must have been.

by _tweek


An Empty Cage
A small Green Ogrin smiles hopefully...

by greatmouseisi


The Top Ten Most Daring Neopians
Are they brave or just plain crazy?

by chubycheeks16


A Slorg by Any Other Name
An article about the latest pet-naming trends.

by yampuff


Underwater Fishing #2
When the Giant Squid avi came out...

Concept by snakeroot

by annneonet


That Was Lucky
Wow, what luck!

by scattle

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