Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 175,204,523 Issue: 365 | 24th day of Collecting, Y10
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Continued Series

The Book: Part Seven

"She fell from the sky..." the Fortune Teller said distantly. "You don't think that maybe... a Faerie dropped her?"

by herdygerdy
Some Kind of Superstar: Part Six

According to my schedule, I've got to be up at five, eat breakfast by six, be in the right makeup trailer – and there are at least twenty – by six-fifteen, and from there...

by icegirl_sara
Greatclaw: Part Six

Dredian dreamed of dark beings swirling about him again that night, attacking him without mercy.

by kaylamdal111112
Falling Rain: Part Six

In a flurry of rage, he dug his claws in and held fast...

by mutedsanity
Sunlight Sonata: Part Seven

"You know why we're gathered here. We just need your help to find the best ways to use your abilities when we assault Sloth's forces in Faerieland."

by kittengriffin
No Other Way: Part Five

"Believe me," said Drakav, "I'd much rather do it myself than trust you with this task."

by spoonguardonline
Faded Memories #2: Rise of the Battle Faerie - Part Five

"Are you guilty of the charges being pressed against you?"

by kit_3_3_3
Molly's Story: Part Three

Molly slowly crept up closer to the boat, hiding behind bushes and rocks. When nobody was around, she ran up the plank...

by orlando_bloom_bigfan
Pirates, the Sight, and the Sea: Part Two

"Please, Mithy! Promise me that you won't get hurt, that... that no matter what you'll come back for me!"

by vanessa1357924680
Heart of Ice: Part Two

Here's something you may not know about exploration in icy conditions: if you've got a reliable source of heat or fire, don't bring along water.

by mousey509
Preventing a War: Part Two

"It isn't impossible. It's an obvious move," replied the Kyrii, his tone already bored.

by be2aware
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Dangerous Foods

You've all been told that donating any item you don't want to the Money Tree so that a poor Neopian can get it for free is a good deed. But that is not always so. They say that one pet's trash is another pet's treasure, but really, if an item makes the pet sick upon use, then it is no one's treasure. So here's what I'm saying: if you have a dangerous food item, then DO NOT donate it to the...

Other Stories


Little Quadrapus Lost
"It's a pirate petpet and these things are not welcome here."

by azurelightning


The Second Brother
"Who are you?" Flame growled.

The figure stepped out from the shadows, his face hidden beneath the hood.

by yippo_yippee


Getting Started in the Excitement of Lab Rat Zapping
If you've ever wanted to dabble in the world of zapping lab rats but didn't know where to begin, then keep on reading!

by poissonneondn


The Real Dark Faeries
Do not make the same mistakes I did.

by a_greenparrot


Land of Pacman
Suspicious_joey was just minding his own business, when--

by pacmanite


High Flyer

by 1bird

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