There are ants in my Lucky Green Boots Circulation: 177,714,884 Issue: 360 | 19th day of Gathering, Y10
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Continued Series

The Fallen: Betrayed - Part Three

Alston rolled his eyes. "It's mine now. Get used to it. Besides, I highly doubt my people would prefer a... beast as their king rather than me."

by ayame_23
Card House Secrets: The Prince - Part Three

"I suppose the two of you are here to question me about matters I must warn you are better left never discussed at all, especially not in public?"

by appaloosa500
Seashells: Part Four

Samara did her best to look miserable as Hareth and Darren led her down a hall and into the prison cells. She didn't really know how she was going to save her mother...

by iamcanadian1428
The Book: Part Two

Maria had abandoned her home, her job, her entire life, on a whim. Just so she could get another look at the magic book. She scowled at herself for being so impulsive.

by herdygerdy
The Fate of the Lost City of Geraptiku: Part Four

"Of course I will! We've come this far; I can't give up on you now. Just tell me how to undo whatever spell you cast."

by rest_in_boredom
Rise and Fall: Part Two

"I have known Ramtor long enough to know that he is someone to be trusted," answered Terask brusquely.

by precious_katuch14
Freedom: Part Two

"Why can't you ever predict anything good?"

by ewagon
Sunlight Sonata: Part Two

"This pendant can take us to a different reality, if we activate it."

by kittengriffin
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Chocolate Pwns!

Chocolate--it's sweet, delicious, and ooey gooey. You can hardly resist it; just looking at a square of chocolate is tantalizing. Or is it? As impossible as it may seem, there ARE some chocolates that might not suit your taste... or anyone's, to be exact. So here's the real question: To eat or not to eat? So the two of us, chocolate_fudge7 (username entirely coincidental) & princesspinky379, have taken on the task of eating countless chocolates in order to find the best--and worst--chocolates in Neopia...

Other Stories


A Quoogle?!
A Gullible Yellow Wocky tells everyone in Neopia Central a silly rumor she heard.

by pinkyluver123


Siyana, the First to Rise
"You don't have to listen to her, you know." Dusk turned around to see a light faerie right behind her.

by froggylover911


Neopians for Darkness
All right, so maybe I'm exaggerating. Just a little bit, though! Nobody's that nice.

by pdonkeh


The Perils of An Only Pet
With only one pet to take care of, single pet owners make sure that their pet is treated like a king or queen.

by 101monica101


Bottom meepit picks his nose a lot. That's why his nostril is abnormally huge.

Idea by awiiya

by touchedbyapenguin


Kainian Wants to Be Electric
What happens when Kainian finds a "Paint Brush"?

by moose_man190

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