White Weewoos don't exist. *shifty eyes* Circulation: 176,283,234 Issue: 347 | 13th day of Relaxing, Y10
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Continued Series

Ten Acts Of Kindness, A Techo Story: Part Seven

"You made it into the Neopedia, Master, and everyone is talking about the greatest Battledome instructor in all of Neopia! It's you! Everyone is talking about the old Techo Master on Mystery Island!"

by indulgences
I Don't Want to Be a Pirate: Part Six

A blade pierced the sand in front of him, and he jumped back so as not to get cut. The Maraquans had finally noticed him...

by stingjc
Neovision Superstar: Part Six

I could mope around, like we were doing at that moment. Or perhaps just forget about Neovision and move on. Or maybe learn to read aloud...

by sunsetneversetting
The Golden Globes of Light: Part Three

"We must have traveled an extremely long distance back in time, because there are no mountain ranges like this that I know of in modern or medieval Neopia..."

by torkie10
The Rebel's Heart: Part Five

"My father, Latfta, is the King's servant. According to him, the King has a short temper and his daughter is even worse. He says that she is just like her father..."

by ewagon
Reshar Collifay: A Star in the Making - Part Six

"Now fans," the announcer said, "LET'S PLAY SOME YOOYUBALL!"

by samschelfhout2
Family Secrets: Part Four

It appalled me. I thought I had raised him better. I thought I had raised all of my children better...

by dan4884
From Princess to Pirate: Part Three

"The Queen seems to have left the ship, but was not seen leaving the harbor..."

by lizzex8
James Nexis - Deception: Part Two

James checked his watch. "It's almost half past two in the morning now. Have you left the crime scene exactly as you found it?"

by punctuation_ninja
To Ride a Uni: Companion and Steed - Part Two

Kanine was feeling more and more flustered by the minute. She decided, in the interest of not appearing totally useless, not to mention that she had never had a rider before...

by smallpox__plum
Pride, Prose, and Princes: Part Three

"Sweet Jhudora's Cupcakes!" I switched off the water on the overflowing tub and mopped up the cobblestone...

by dancingpetal
Roomies 3: Part Two

Jesc frowned. She couldn't explain it, but something just didn't feel right...

by vanessa1357924680
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"Witches Further Abroad" by herdygerdy
The meteor cracks in two, and the figure it contained stands up. He looks around, and a thin smile spreads across his face. "Perfect," the figure says in a raspy voice. "It shall start here." In a million alternate universes, the figure would have succeeded in his plans. In a million universes, the station wouldn't have depressurised and Grimilix would have made it back in time. In a million universes, Neopia would have fallen. This is not one of those universes. This universe has Witches...

Other Stories


An End and a Beginning - A True Story
It hit me. She wasn't joking or kidding around. She'd done pound jokes like this before, but...

by waterhime


Boiling Point
"What's wrong, Whiskers?" he cooed softly. "Skip your nap this morning? Why don't you just give up? You're clearly exhausted..."

by bitsy_dj


The Pound: Unfair Advantage Or Absolute Delight?
There are a certain few who disagree with the pound and feel that people are misusing the pound to gain pets by 'sniping' them and not 'earning' them. But the question I put to you is this... what do we mean when we say 'earn'?

by sislee110


Maraqua's Plea for Help
Summer has started... which means, it is time for the yearly Altador Cup games! Of course with it comes the question, "which team will you support?"

by syariesx


The Class of '08 Part Twelve
Wait, what?

by _dead_meat_x_


Medical Tree: The folks at Mystery Island
I hear they ruunn the tiki tours...

by leetmango

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