Sanity is forbidden Circulation: 176,283,354 Issue: 342 | 9th day of Hunting, Y10
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Continued Series

Fine Line: Part Six

Alamor had nearly caught Uva off guard. The pink Kau had just finished telling the fortune of a young Kacheek and was finishing up her dinner...

by reggieman721
Petpet Adventures: Reunited - Part Seven

"We should move," he said. "It won't do any good for Zariam to find us..."

by rachelindea
Apprentice to Evil: Part Four

He had an appointment to meet Meuka, the famed Snot Meerca. Very few pets would have set off on such a journey with a merry stride...

Also by chivo

by anjie

Lost Memories: Part Six

Firreter shook his head. "I don't remember much of anything, Xireei. Not since I arrived here..."

by zafaracutie4
The Curious Incident of the Statue in the Night-time: Part Two

A few metres from Sarah, the Mynci launched himself in the air and spun his blade around. Sarah back flipped just in time...

by herdygerdy
The Mistaken Identity: Part Four

"How do I treat Sneezles? My, erm, sister seems to be ill..."

by lemonlovingcutie
The Lost Tomb of Coltzan: Part Five

"Get up!!" he called teasingly. "Don't you remember? We have to go excavate the tomb today with the new archaeologists!"

by paintedpets4ever
As Royalty Does: Part Three

Sometimes it seems as though the world is made up of Virtupets robots – they do not think, they hardly feel, and they do exactly what is expected of them without questioning it...

by wicked_summer
Behind the Smile: Part Three

"But... how?" I was truly shocked. That was the last thing I had expected...

by nancy_drew_obsessed
Ten Acts Of Kindness, A Techo Story: Part Two

There was only one problem. As a Techo Master, he was expected to supply weapons with which to equip his students...

by indulgences
The Scary Story: Part Two

Boom... boom. Boom... boom. Boom... boom. No matter how much he tried to ignore it, the noise kept him from falling back to sleep...

by icesmith
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"Becoming King Skarl" by amiyumifan96
The doorknob rattled as King Skarl slammed the door of the meeting room, where Meridell officials pondered the thought of a new cheese being rolled down a hill. Abby gently brushed her aching head. She already had a migraine from all this hard work, and the last thing she wanted was for the king to throw one of his famous temper tantrums...

Other Stories


With Care?
The beautiful sunset could be seen through the large dining room window. It was as beautiful as a painting, perfect for a nice, family dinner. The only thing that was missing was their child...

by ffamran


The Mysterious Aisha Sorceress
The faerie seems to contemplate her question. "I am known to some as Ilere," she allows, "but names mean very little in this world..."

by dianacat777


The Top Ten Burger List
Are you one of those people having a hard time deciding what kind of burger you want?

by doopingla


The 15 Things To Do When You Are Bored List
We have all felt that feeling before; that feeling of accomplishment. Once you have finally finished all of your Neopets goals, what are you going to do now?

by kingskid999


Drawing a Blank: The Pound is Open
Good things come to those who wait... Err...

by aangchan


Normal is Overrated
An apple a day...

Idea by eradragon123

by tamarainian_girl

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