Caution: Quills may be sharp Circulation: 140,357,144 Issue: 294 | 1st day of Relaxing, Y9
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Continued Series

Neoplay: Two Faeries and a Wannabe Evil Overlord - Part Eight

"You're going to get zapped," Ara explained, "into a brainless minion of the Meepits. You will become pink colored, and you will not have a will of your own..."

Also by fsufan266

by kioasakka

Further Tales of Woe: Part Six

It was slightly reassuring to Reggie to be able to hold the Slorgclops close, but it kept making those awful snuffling purr noises, which surely attracted more brigands than it deterred...

by jjquil
Secrets and Shadows: Part Five

"You mean to say that because you lost your way, you led the Meridell ambassador through the dregs of the keep all night long, while every officer, soldier, maid, and kitchen servant scoured the Citadel looking for the two of you..."

by dragonlover8560
An Illusion Spun: Part Four

"What are you talking about?" Karik demanded. He had dropped the coconut and was standing above her, breathing heavily, looking bewildered and slightly wild-eyed...

by raizindaroof
Book of Wisdom: Part Four

The Korbat looked up in alarm. "Where's my mommy?" she asked, her huge eyes staring up at Hannah...

by hob51
Dreams Do Come True: Part Three

Ms. Annette Lightfoot, We are terribly sorry to announce this, but...

by littlej001
Clumsy Claudia and the Great Negg Hunt: Part Three

All eyes turned towards Claudia, who flushed a deep crimson color; she hated being the center of attention. Biting her lip, she tried to ignore...

Also written by autbum

by cloudybliss

Ailemea Smiled: Part Two

"You don't understand, sis," he said. "A Kougra is living in my room. He has an angelpuss. He is white. He doesn't groom and he has no fashion sense and..."

by jeanaet
Those Dark Eyes: Part Three

"Isn't this exciting?" asked Rovan as they neared the tall doors. He looked over at Afton, and she could see the eagerness in his dark eyes...

by reggieman721
Waiting for Anna: Part Two

"I don't remember being here," she says absently. Inside, her heart is soaring. A mage--a real mage, here in town! She has never seen a mage before...

by extreme_fj0rd
The Lost Fuzzle: Part Two

"Garin, we're hopelessly lost; admit you're wrong for once," I said, annoyed...

by anna_invincible
Search the Neopian Times


Fashionable Fyora

Fyora, the queen of the faeries. Sun gleams off every strand of her perfect hair. Crisp, ironed clothes and gleaming jewellery. No neopet wouldn't willingly throw themselves to the Snowager while it is awake in order to acquire the knowledge of the secrets of Fyora's dazzling good looks. Upon interview, Fyora refused to disclose...

Other Stories


The Disease of Narcissism
"Hello, handsome!" The green Lupe greeted his reflection...

by steelseatimber


The Lonely Spardel
She thought she may have found such an adventure when, in the distance, she saw a creaky old shack. As she approached, she noticed that there was an old sign in front...

by alex0905


Fyora's Follies
Now, listen. We all know Fyora is graceful, poised and elegant to a fault, but logic dictates that she has to have moments of searing mortification from time to time.

by fearthejuliet


Fyora's Dream Vacation
This is Fyora Appreciation Day and we'd like her to tell us about her secret dream vacation...

Also by pokemon_lunatic

by precious_katuch14


Feepit Frenzy #4
I knew it wasn't a good idea!

by fariy287


Bees' Kneez
Warning: This doll is not a toy.

by looweez

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