For an easier life Circulation: 169,514,957 Issue: 284 | 23rd day of Running, Y9
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Continued Series

Another Hero's Journey: Part Eleven

Then they heard a loud, clear voice, a voice that Melissa had wanted to hear for several days, a voice that she never thought would hear at a time like this...

by precious_katuch14
Legend Seekers: Mysterious Magic - Part Ten

Pemero stood and quietly peered around the doorframe. "Pemero, there's someone here to see you..."

by yatomiyuka
Tangled Up in Blu: Part Ten

"But I can't, I can't do it! Even if I wanted to, I can't," Blu whispered, talking to herself. "I can't..."

by hotchick859
Catching Up: Part Seven

The Fire Faerie frowned, looking down at her schoolbooks. She still didn't know quite why the Dark Faerie had done that. After all, she didn't know Patricia, or any of the others, for that matter...

by extreme_fj0rd
The Mirror of Memories: Part Nine

I should have read all of her journal. I should have been prepared, knowing what would happen next...

by sytra
Spells, Secrets, and Snowberry Tea: Part Seven

Cypher stepped up and looked into his glowing red eyes. "I have a job for you, weakling!" the tree cried in a booming voice...

by kemppotatoe
Petpet Adventures: Runaway - Part Six

The interior of the palace was as grand as the outside; covered in rich tapestries and soft carpets. Decorative ornaments lined the walls. Folfeux stared...

by rachelindea
Spheres of Influence: Part Three

"He went down there alone?" she asked. "Doesn't he know anything about caves? He's never been here before. He could get lost down there..."

by zephandolf
Vanity: Part Four

"I can see why you're winning so many votes in the beauty contest. If I may say so, you're a very charming young lady..."

by literalluau
Super Chel: Part Three

Chel took off her cape and stuffed it in her backpack. Eric wasn't wearing his cape either. The plan couldn't be carried out until later...

by kittygirl5170
Shifting Sands and the Snowager: Part Two

"There are an awful lot of thieves. We probably would have killed each other by now if it hadn't been for a set of unwritten rules, strictly maintained. Well, someone broke those rules. A group called..."

by wicked_summer
The Ghost of Meridell: Part Two

All there was to do was watch the older squires train and try their best to beat whoever they were sparring with. One blue Lupe in particular had caught her attention...

by kt_fox
Illusen's Bad Hair Day: Part Two

As they left the shop, Trevor confronted Illusen. "Why are you trying to find a shampoo that doesn't exist?"

by ummagine3284
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"Guardian of the Lagoon" by sybaris
The little Mutant Scorchio had been ever so excited when his family had moved to the beautiful land of Shenkuu, more so than even his bright sister, La Melusine, who was a blue Shoyru of many personalities. She had always been very enthusiastic about moving, for she had never liked living in the noisy city of Neopia Central, with all the business...

Other Stories


Guardian of the Lagoon
"But, Mom," complained Melusine. "We've only been here for two days. We wanna explore a little! It's beautiful out there, and I want to go swimming. You know, in the pond that the waterfall flows into..."

by sybaris


Thor's Tales: The Rainbow Pearl
"There only are about twenty rainbow pearls in Neopia and they're worth so much that if Queen Fyora would sell only one of them, she could retire from the whole Hidden Tower business..."

Art by ssjelitegirl

by ssjelitegirl


How to Be a Rich Neopian Without Doing Anything
This guide is a little different. It explains how to be a passively rich Neopian. It is possible to break a million neopoints without playing games all day long. That's what we all want, isn't it?

by neesboy


The Neovian Gazetteer
A look at Neovia...

by purple_girl253


Dandilion Tails in: Not Welcome Here!
Neopian Eats

Also by walkaroundstar

by dandilion_crucifix


The Bunker
Poof! ... again. :D

by hubadawaha

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