The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 100,597,592 Issue: 199 | 14th day of Swimming, Y7
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Continued Series

A Wizards Beginning: Part Eleven

He saw only a forest full of trees. No houses, no mansions, no sign of life. "Where?" the Yellow Draik asked, still trying to spot the house.

by sirussblack
Playing The Part: Part Eight

"How many of those pencils do you have, anyway?" asked Glitter nonchalantly.

by precious_katuch14
Cruor Stilla: Part Six

Be patient. Zackwel had said, in his own special way, that things were going perfectly, and she trusted him...

by eikomei
Harmless Wishes: Part Six

"What do you guys think about wishing for a million Neopoints?" Yannagiba asked cautiously.

by ladyariel32
Avalon and the Emerald Noil Gem: Part Six

"Close ranks, come on!" she barked, and instantly the circle closed tighter. Avalon growled back at the Gelerts, tail thrashing...

by cpmtiger
The Son of Sahkmet: Part Five

"You promised to tell me about my parents. But you haven't; you haven't even told me why I'm here."

by twirlsncurls5
Teaching Mr. Bristle: Part Five

"If Mr. Bristle doesn't teach well enough then he'll get fired! Normally I'd be okay with that, but he seems like a teacher we could get along with in time. Which is why, today, we need to be good students."

by springsteen0991
Home < High Seas: Part Four

Thus it was that they had moved systematically through the countryside, cutting a swathe through small towns...

by destervetha
EndingArrow: Part Four

"Truthfully, I don't see her much," replied the Lupe. "She's a little…weird."

by sara_mossflower
Johnny's Story: Part Four

I whirled around to face her. "What are you talking about? I wasn't adopted. I didn't have a family before this one."

by sarahsuk
Curses, Inside-Out: Part Three

"Well, if it's not supposed to shake the Citadel, I probably did it wrong."

by schefflera
The Curse of Maraqua: Memories - Part Three

The Lupe wordlessly pointed to a tapestry of Darigan. Behind it Alena found a steel door...

by charlotte203368
By My Honor: Part Three

Swallowing against the tightness of her throat, she added stubbornly, “but I would do it again gladly, if it meant that I might have a chance of bringing you home.”

by laurelinden
The Swashbuckler Within: Part Two

"Keep an eye on Herrami and Kaelou while I'm away," the Ixi had said, "and don't let them shred the furniture."

by mimed
Mushroom for Phila: Part Two

She trotted down the path and disappeared. Tsuki sighed and followed her, dropping a dry "stay here and don't move" at the others...

by ssjelitegirl
Paths Not Seen: Part Two

"I'll stay and help you fight. My brother here knows a secret path to the village. He can lead the one that you wish to protect to safety!"

by fierwym
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Trash Troubles

With the discovery of the Underwater Fishing Cavern in old Maraqua, comes the astonishing revelation of what litterbugs Neopians must be. The number of useless and unwanted items in the world has suddenly skyrocketed, and the vicious cycle of rubbish repeats itself yet again...

Other Stories


Full Moon Fever
A growl rang out behind me. Green eyes glared at me from inside a trash can, the lid shadowing the figure...

by squeemush


In The Spotlight
Even though I'm a Rainbow Quiggle, I still enjoy Jubjub Day. I also enjoy Yurble Day and Koi Day and Moehog Day, and pretty much every pet day, as well as the normal days in between...

by nut862


A Novice's Guide to Beating the Swarm
There are walls, which you can hide behind, and these protect you from shots. However, hit them nine times, and they’re gone...

by spoonguardonline


Fishing -- The Weird and the Wonderful
Now, we'll go through this step by step. We're going on an undercover mission to get the inside scoop on fishing, you and I...

by pensill


Angie's Gift
Happy birthday!

by thorndie


Blumaroo Stories - What smell?

by zamrozona

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