Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 164,193,660 Issue: 179 | 25th day of Awakening, Y7
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Continued Series

Shades of Darkness - Shadow is Arising: Part Seven

The assassin crept up the stairs and into a sleeping Pudding's room. He stood over her bed with his dagger raised, prepared to do what he did best...

by jesse12_3
The Petpet Detectives: Case of the Kidnapped Kadoatie: Part Six

In the living room, Tom and the four of us began to search for the missing Kadoatie. The mystery had been solved-the kidnapper found, but the Petpet was still undiscovered… and of course, our job wasn't finished until the Petpet was relocated.

by playmobil_is_my_life
The Case of the Invisible Incident: Part Six

Well, I wasn't one to keep everyone waiting was I? No, I wasn't…but I was one to draw out an explanation dramatically, just to watch the guilty one squirm out of the corner of my eye.

by tambourine_chimp
The Adventures of Tarin and Zeke: The Dark Book - Part Five

"Okay, okay!" said the Krawk. "In that room down there, see?" he said motioning over his shoulder. "The door's still open. The book's on the stand! Now let me u-!"

by sapphire123208
Savak: The Search - Part Four

Savak sat down next to her, looking out along the jungle. Though he couldn't see the sun, he could tell that night was drawing close.

by zephandolf
The Great Gelert Hype: Part Four

Tak was beginning to run out of convincing excuses, so he immediately pushed his way into the shop-the same shop he had stolen food from the day before.

by the_wanderer128
Battle of Imagination: Part Two

I was robbed this morning. They took everything from me! Even my cookbooks! I can't make any more chicken without them.

by undeadfortune
The Chronicles of Knight: The Knight Within - Part Two

She was not meant to be a statue, she told herself over and over. She was to be a knight.

by fierwym
Give My Regards to the Ixi of Doom: Part Three

The Ixi waddled quickly onto the stage, his cumbersome costume making walking a difficult and time-consuming activity.

by battlesunn
The Tale of Tadric's Time: Part Two

"But . . . why would they close the gate? I'm a knight! They should be happy I'm coming to the castle!"

by sharakh
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"The Other Side of The Story" by chocolateisamust
Straightening my button-up, maroon colored shirt, I scanned the rows of empty Kadoatie cages, making sure each was perfect for when the first Kadoaties arrived...

Other Stories


An Echo on the Wind
The specter relaxed his will, sighing. These people, they were so ignorant... So many had tried to figure him out. So many had tried and failed. He wondered why he was so intriguing. He was really just like everyone else...

by eternally_forgotten


The Loneliest Grundo
Everyone thought Equi was just "a mentally challenged Grundo" (to quote her most soft-spoken sister EekMeekSeek), but Sakura knew otherwise.

by shoveitgirl


Run, Glubgar, Run! A Guide to Volcano Run
For some reason, Glubgar the Scorchio keeps getting stuck in a volcano. It’s up to you to guide him to freedom, even though he’ll inevitably meet his doom…Oh, well. At least you’ll get a bundle of Neopoints for your troubles.

by chilling_apparition


A Neopian Guide to Collecting: No.1 Petpets
Collecting will become a hobby which, perhaps, will take as much of your spare time as Neopoints. It doesn’t mean you can’t collect items which aren’t extremely expensive....

by obn0xious


As Much as a Bori Can Take
Jhudora has nothing on this faerie.

by kudou


A Cold Kyrii
I have a riddle for you...

by nancy_kelpie

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