Meow Circulation: 197,890,916 Issue: 1022 | 29th day of Storing, Y26
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Continued Series


The village was gone. Well, not gone, but smashed into splinters on the ground wasn’t much better. It made grim sense. It wasn’t built to deal with the wind. Nothing was built to deal with this wind.

by quanticdreams
Magnum Imperium: The Candidate

Xantan groaned as his body shivered. Not again. He coughed harshly and braced himself on his forearms. A second cough caused him to collapse on his desk.

by terpsichorean_writer

A half-remembered voice shattered Skyleur's dreamscape. "Enough of that! Wake up!"

by phadalusfish
The Adventures of Goryx and Xyrog

Goryx pushes back from the porthole in horror, shouting desperately at the transponder screen. "I don't know what you want, but I'm not here to betray you, I don't even know who you are or what you are. I'm just here to fix the satellite!"

by x__synnamon__x
Castle Planner's Journal: 1000 Years

Lisha yawned, and climbed out of bed. It had been a long night of trying to sleep. Too many possibilities were buzzing around her head, and it kept her from relaxing enough to sleep.

by ferretboy85
The Dream Quest

Solanza couldn’t keep her jaw from dropping as she stared at the white Lupe, the protagonist of her NeoQuest game, and the Neopian who had saved her life. “You’re Xantan?” she asked incredulously.

by ellienib
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"The Wheel of Celebration" by ningkov1
Pandora, the Celebration Faellie, woke up with a heavy heart. Today was the 30th of the month of Storing, the last day for Neopians to spin the Wheel of Celebration. She had thoroughly enjoyed her job these past few weeks, and wished the festivities could continue. As she put on her bow and brushed her bright blue sparkly fur, she thought back to all the smiling faces she had seen recently. Yesterday, a large Skeith had picked her up and spun her around after winning 25,000 Neopoints. Last week, a sickly Yellow Chia cried tears of joy as he ate the food he won from the wheel, and hundreds of others thanked her from the bottom of their hearts. It had taken her months to pick the best prizes for the wheel, so these moments really touched her and made all the effort worthwhile. It was truly the best job she could have ever asked for! From tomorrow, she was determined to convince her boss to let her open a special wheel for all of Neopia's holidays. Pandora took one last look at herself in the mirror before heading toward the door to start a new day. She turned the silver knob, but strangely it wouldn't move.

Other Stories


The Wheel of Celebration
Pandora, the Celebration Faellie, woke up with a heavy heart. Today was the 30th of the month of Storing, the last day for Neopians to spin the Wheel of Celebration.

by ningkov1


Sophie's Spellbinding Discovery
BOOM! An explosion sounded through the trees in the forest, shaking their leaves and causing the critters throughout to scatter in shock.

by maddie_bangz


Beginner's Guide to L54 Battling, Part 1: Introduction
The recent Void incidents in Brightvale and Neopia Central have brought renewed attention to the Battledome. Repeatedly crushing Voidlings may be fun for a while, but perhaps you are beginning to think, "I wonder if I could do this…with other Neopets?!"

by tcg81191


Battledome Weapon Gag Gifts for Every Friend: Part 1
Advent season is just around the corner, which means holiday gift shopping starts now! Collab with 9kas

by neoaggie99999


Regret II
More things the Pant Devil regrets stealing...

by milerubi_


Funthing Has Happened!!
How did this happen!? Collab with 1nconsolable

by white_tiger0226

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