Enter the Snowflake's lair... Circulation: 197,160,716 Issue: 968 | 9th day of Gathering, Y24
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Cleaning Frenzy Maze [PUZZLE]

Help the janitor find his way out! collab with hasse_li_37 and dendeus_271

by carolina_021
The Meridell Rubbish Dump

You gotta be quicker than that! collab with eiligr and mgrytsay

by noelia_pets
From colourful to dreary

collab with cisko116

by _kankuro
Gym day indecision

However will I decide??

by applefaerie99
Spot the Difference Edition #15 [PUZZLE]

Can you find the 10 differences? collab with chantluigi and sandralala

by not_sporty
Skateboard Scavenger Hunt: Maze Edition [PUZZLE]

Author's Note: Happy Birthday, Mark! Activity page dedicated to my best friend, Mark.

by pixie_tea
Chia Nightmare

It was just a bad dream though... no way this it could ever be real!

by sphere16
life of a neopian part 2 of 10

0 minutes... 1 week... what is time?

by safemoon

These gourmet foods are getting weird

by muggledude
Hap-pea and healthy!

Being a hap-pea Chia is harder than it looks! collab with Layces

by devotedly
Life Improvised : Part 2

Poor Griff...

by keng200
Completely Smart - Jokes

The NT trophy is e v e r y t h i n g

by ms_meepit
Neopets Pixel Cross Puzzle #2 [PUZZLE]

The perfect pairing of art and puzzle!

by krabby_55
We Finally Agree!

We love Mutant Day! collab with d4nielgr and dollsuki!

by iam_puma_master
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Light PhyActivities for the Not-Necessarily-Athletic

Let's face it: Not every individual in Neopia is created with the ability to play Yooyuball (or any other game) at a professional level, and the Altador Cup season does not appeal to everyone. I, personally, play as many games of Yooyuball as my eyes can tolerate each day (meaning I try to gain as many points as I can for my team, but limit my time to avoid injury to my knuckles or something). I'm certain that I'm not alone, though.

Other Stories


The Secret Origin of Magical Chia Pops
This is the secret origin story of how magical chia pops were created.

by purplekat20


Bandy- A Bori story about finding home
A lost Bori finds a new home

by rkbear


How to Start Making NP on a New Account
"So, you've made a new account. Maybe you lost your old account after a long break, or maybe you just wanted to start fresh. Whatever the reason, you're starting from scratch, and you're probably eager to get started making NP."

by somebun


Light PhyActivities for the Not-Necessarily-Athletic
"Let's face it: Not every individual in Neopia is created with the ability to play Yooyuball (or any other game) at a professional level, and the Altador Cup season does not appeal to everyone. "

by peacelovebliss


Ancient Home - Part 4
the final chapter! collab with joanna_lewis

by kebicorn


A Hero's Journey: It Takes Two - Part 4
"Rain fell, wind blew, lightning struck, and thunder boomed all over Meridell. Rivulets of water dribbled from the trees and created an abundance of mud puddles on the forest floor."

by precious_katuch14

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