Enter the Snowflake's lair... Circulation: 196,589,849 Issue: 928 | 19th day of Awakening, Y23
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The Off Season

I'm starting to think Marina doesn't have a medical license...

by pokemon_master_a74
Characters Featured in Neopets Stamps Wordsearch

Do you know the characters that appeared in your stamps collection?

by xlorally
Words are Silver...

... but silence is gold

by youi234
The Secret Operation

The coast is clear! Begin the operation!

by rhagna
Ready to Fight

Sometimes, you gotta act tough.

by _snails_pace_
On the Rocks

What am I supposed to do with these?

by ssjelitegirl
Bad Idea, Dude - Child Genius

It's some pretty complex stuff though...

by fluffy_bumbkin
Kiss Me

Let's be Mortogs together :)

by crazyjoe99
Getting Game Avatars

There are so many Blumaroos.... everywhere...

by snofoxe
An Unexpected Accessory

A random event, but make it fashion! collab with theofloppy4135 and verna_

by baiuki
Brightside - Overpowered

Don't encourage him...

by _solo_m_
Crokabek Comic

You wanna be active?

by _corvus
One Sided Anger

A... good mood?

by joonji
Who Is The Imposter?

Sorry I'm late! Collab with friends_rock2135

by roxanna203

But this is what I've been Training for!!

by kayona4
A Walk on the Beach

Strolling on the beach I spotted a huge clam...

by ajekdur
Sutek's Lost Crossword

Enjoy this lost desert themed crossword puzzle. Previous puzzle's answers are included. collab with itaela & freehanded.

by muddywater1
Sleepless in Neopia: Part 1

Seeking Snowager Snooze. Collab with T0tor0

by elipsis4k
Happy Chia Day Maze!

Can you save the Chias? Collab with belindaword and gabi100pitty

by mimiweasley
Chia Day Wordsearcher!

Happy Chia Day! Can you find the name of 10 famous Chias? Collab with d4nielgr and twillla!

by mehohara
Jhudora Asks for the Weirdest Items

Valentine's day gets everyone, no exceptions.

by akezis
Memories of Home

The immaterial became physical. Collab with snakelover900

by miraday
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"Daiki's Dummy" by littledifferent
“Mama, my mana mo moo meh mark,” Daiki exclaimed, running into the kitchen. The young woman standing in front of the sink looked down at the ball of teal fluff that was her baby Yurble. “What was that dear? You know I can’t understand you with your dummy in your mouth.” Daiki sighed, pulled the blue ducky dummy from his mouth, and tried again. “I wanna go to the park!” he said. “Oh the park, well all right then, go and fetch your siblings and we’ll go as soon as I’ve finished the dishes,” his mother Aria said. “M’kay!” Daiki said, plugging the dummy back into his mouth before running off again. Upstairs, he barged straight into his big brother Ashnel’s room. “Ashy, me’re moin’ moo meh mark!” he said. The blue Bori looked up from the pile of neodeck cards he was sorting. “What?” he asked. Daiki scowled, but pulled the dummy out again. “I said we’re goin’ to the park!” he repeated. “Oh, okay,” Ashnel said. “Y’know Dai, it’d be a lot easier to understand you...

Other Stories


The Little Voice
Everyone has a little voice in the back of their head. This one happens to drive a yurble towards her inner darkness.

by fallingdaybreak


Daiki's Dummy
Daiki struggles to let go of his childhood pacifier...

by littledifferent


Welcome to the Vegetable Patch
Welcome to the most extensive vegetable chia guide this side of Neopia...

by carrotopian


Top 5 Dailies to Do
Dailies: everyone has their own list, and their own procedure to go through them.

by dragnipur


A Hero's Journey: Masquerade
Meredith stays a step ahead of our heroes!

by precious_katuch14


Si & Jay
The misadventures of a young Siyana (Si) and Jerdana (Jay) before they served on the council of Altador come to an end!

by cookiez101

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