Chet Flash wuz here Circulation: 195,728,491 Issue: 872 | 12th day of Swimming, Y21
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Ink: Inversion - Part 12

I can't help but wonder, how much of that was him, and how much of that was me.

by june_scarlet
Digivices Spinoff Comics - ALTADOR CUP!!


by devotedly
Altador Cup Announcers be like.... (Part 2)

the verdict is still out...

by starscreamer54
The lonely coconut

Its a lonely world when you're constantly burning

by aweber
Darigan yooyus are... cute?

who knows

Also by Also by mewemy

by marsbarss

Origin of the Emo Shopkeeper


Collab with awkuarius

by __adelaide__

Good Game

Surprisingly, Yooyuball is not even the most dangerous sport around. Looking at you, chariot racing.

by pokemon_master_a74

think you can beat it?

also by Sthephanie

by neschulz

Different Strokes #1: Bragging Rights

Losers have to buy the winner a drink at Kelp.

by gabjasfriends4ever
It's the Name of the Game!


with help from keoshky

by tiffymew

Kadoaties in the Altador Cup

Kads can participate too

Also by Skcratchii

by latrellstephen

Pterible Tricks

So pterifying!

by riggsy_reborn
you have played 9999 games, and you have won 0 times

but how to...

by sunshiba
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An Adventure into the World of Smoothies

Summer is the perfect time to break out the blender and try out some refreshing, vibrant, and delicious new smoothies. Whether transforming a bundle of fruit into decadent smoothie bowls or drinking them directly from one of those decorative mason jars, there’s nothing quite like a smoothie to provide that refreshing energy boost for you and your neopets to tackle the day! The last time I visited our local Smoothie Store in Neopia Central, I gathered a list of six enticing drinks on their menu that I wanted to try making at home with my own neopets—all it took was our trusty Green Kacheek Blender, and one trip to the Marketplace. Now, I’d like to share these easy, affordable, and fruity recipes with you!

Other Stories


Do You Believe in Magic?
Within the grassy meadows of Brightvale, there lived a caring and compassionate Purple Lupe named Snazztacular.

by _brainchild_


Usuki Singing Stars #44: Usuki-Conned
“I can’t believe you guys got us Usukicon passes!!” Patricia squealed as she followed her friends inside the convention center.

by downrightdude


A million NP in a month, how feasible is it?
1 million NP in a month, how hard is it to earn? Let's find out!

by rossthereddragon


An Adventure into the World of Smoothies
Summer is the perfect time to break out the blender and try out some refreshing, vibrant, and delicious new smoothies.

by josephinefarine


Chronicles of the Darkside: Keys to Fantasia:Part Two
Chapter 2: So the Faeries are WHERE?!

by fire_earth_aqua__77


The Sisters of Pillar Grove:Part Six
Wingen exhaled deeply. He made it, but just barely.

He knew that time was of the essence, so he made sure to accomplish his task back at the palace with haste.

by blueys45

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