Sanity is forbidden Circulation: 195,542,153 Issue: 861 | 29th day of Running, Y21
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Spot the Difference Edition #9

Look around what do you see?

by not_sporty
Blossoms~ Games Night Part 4

It's not like I asked to be here either.

by twillieblossom
(Fools) Dinner with the Scarlets: No Dinners to Date

Yes, the Scarlets all eat on the same side of the table. Strange, I know.

by june_scarlet
Woes of a Mutant Uni

Clothing stores these days...

by krabbox
The Coconut Science Corner Presents: SKELETONS!

Behind the science

by korbat2_5
Faerie Unlikely

More like coco-not!

by keoshky
Space Faerie's Gracious Gift


by yodiee


by hamster_z
April Fool's Day: Mind Games

To eat or not to eat

by thegoddesofxweetok1
Lost at Sea

wanna hear a joke?

by flusia
Gardening Basics

All you need to know about gardening this spring!

by bobtehcat1
Random Oddness: April Fools

Please use this thumbnail for the comic:

by mistyqee
The Truth About The Kadoatery

How kind Neopians like you are funding Dr. Sloth's evil missions.

by _espy_

BREAKING: Secret Lab Ray Now Works On Humans!!

by jupebox
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A Hidden Land: Custard World!

Hey, Neopians, I am Ron190 “Ronnn” the Custard Eyrie. Something you probably don’t know about, a very wondrous place, is my home, the land of Custard World, and that’s what this article is about. My gooey paws aren’t so good for operating a typewriter, so one of my friends, Robin329 the Custard Ixi, asked his Owner, mbredboy31, to type this up for me. mbredboy31 even managed to get a spot for my article in The Coconut, which he told me is the most trustworthy newspaper in all of Neopia… what an honor!

Other Stories


Kauvara's Mixed Potions
A male Pirate Xweetok dressed in a Dapper Xweetok Trousers, Dapper Xweetok Shirt and Waistcoat, Explorer Backpack, Dapper Xweetok Shoes and a Cool Xweetok Wig just walked past Kauvara’s Magic Shop with his Petpet, a Snowbunny when he noticed a sign posted on the door.

by bubbles150


The Coconut: Introducing a New Mascot
GOOD NIGHT, mr. coconut

by parody_ham


Doc has CONQUERED Neopia!
In the past week, the nefarious and rather dashing "Doc", a fire coloured Techo with knowledge of super-science, occult-experimentation, mangling of the universe itself and more, has taken the wide world of Neopia by storm.

by homsar_eggplant


Isolde and the Faerie Statue:Part Three
Isolde was no stranger to falling. On Kreludor, there was a young Draik, a family friend who often visited her home. His name was Egrek.

also written by anachronisms

by tsiegred


Searching a place:Part Eight
Chapter 8. The Final Battle, Isla de Roo, Meridell and Brightvale.

Also by acespades1, charliews & hits

by nacil30

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