Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 194,519,146 Issue: 771 | 3rd day of Running, Y19
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Beauty Contest

Definitely subjective.

by xsugarush
Pant Devil's Problems

Things don't go as expected.

by keruza
Feel the RAIN!

It's a special moment

Also by Neschulz

by janderson_lee

Hopstarter: a Blumaroo Initiative

You might wanna reconsider hasee's as a reliable source for flight. Don't let them stop you from following your dreams!

by littlegirlydude
You Kad To Do It?


Also by aquarelar

by dragondancer007

Uncrowned: Part 2


by mucka33
Mynci Day

Also by my_bento_box

by neptunely

Aethia's Favorite Top

This comic was inspired by a true story.

by lars_vanrichter
High Flying

Oh, just you watch.

by ramielka
NeoPaper: Coin Flip

Victory decided instantaneously!

by mbredboy31
Goodbye, Lucye - Part 3

The history of a loyal Petpet

by arijuka
Free Uni Day Training

I got banned...

by ellipses4k
Clothing Catastrophes

Whaddya think?

by earthiness
Sloth After Valentines Day!

I don't understand...

Also by ruben160

by teca_alvarenga

Contrast: Picky Eater

You at least get an "A" for attempting, right?

by jojomoonless
Too Many Items *Part 2 of 3*

So what are you going to do then, Koga?

Also by princessdiva7737

by jmo7692

Hardest Decision

... Never know what to pick!

by o_babypet4me_o
New Paint Brush: Ice Cream Usul

Or is it just an Uni?

by paraxeno_daimonio
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"Curious Cases of Scamandre the Mage" by butterflybandage
The rolls of parchment were splayed across the frazzled Draik’s desk, taking up more room than the confused Fleeper. It stared at the tip of a wand poking confidently from below the desk, and ruffled its feathers in annoyance when prodded. The desk belonged to a one Scamandre, a brilliant (yet strange) mage currently working with the Petpet Protection League, holding the lesser known position of Honorary Pest-Control and Head Mage of Investigation into Curious Creatures. Essentially, this meant that the very talented wizard was given the position of knocking on doors, flashing his shiny badge, and inquiring as to whether or not there have been any sightings of questionable Petpets—ever heard of Turmaculus?—and, if there were any unauthorized Petpets on the loose, he chased them. An “unauthorized” Petpet was a critter that didn’t belong to any Neopian and was not inventoried at a Petpet shop—whether this was a result of abandonment or illegal trading, it didn’t matter; Scamandre’s job, as the plaque above his desk boasted, was to act as “pest control” and do something about those pesky Petpets. Yet, in this moment, he was mentally cursing the day he ever left home to study magic.

Other Stories


The Curious Cases of Scamandre the Mage
Scamandre’s job, as the plaque above his desk boasted, was to act as “pest control” and do something about those pesky Petpets. Yet, in this moment, he was mentally cursing the day he ever left home to study magic.

by butterflybandage


A Story Of Excitement
Little Charlotte ran over the soft clouds making up Faerieland, hoping to catch the Wheel Of Excitement before it closed. She sped past the Healing Springs, narrowly missing crashing into a Blue Quiggle who smiled and stepped away just in time and her face broke into a smile as she spotted the faerie hosting it, who waved as her as she approached.

by sparktater


How to Get Your Petpet to Love You
Stumped on making your petpet feel at home? We've got you covered!

Also by hectic_haley

by scechoi


What to Do For a Cancelled Holiday
March 3, cancelled due to lack of interest.

by auraphic


Return to Lynwood: Part Three
But this illness felt different. She had never coughed so violently before—it shook her whole body and made her ribs hurt, and there were times when it felt like she couldn’t breathe. And she felt so lethargic, like someone had put a heavy weight on her, making everything except sleep more difficult.

by cosmicfire918


The Beast: Part Two
The adventurers faced some challenges which they thought about while they spent some time preparing for their journey to the volcano. It wasn’t long, but it was across the plains of Tyrannia which would not be so easy to cross.

by zirr

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