Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 194,421,304 Issue: 766 | 27th day of Sleeping, Y19
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A Candy Pun

He had quite a big collection too.

by eenlee
The Trials of Neopia's #1 Gamer: Part II


Also by artemislknight

by bha288

Head in the Clouds: Aisha Eyes

The power of their vision is just too great for this world.

by yoshisislandbandit

Where did that coconut come from?

by draggi_pi2
A Pear of Shoes

I love you, too!

Also by o_babypet4me_o

by truebrony

A Claw-ful Pun

He only had one pupil...

by kennielee
Petpet Battles: Expectations vs. Reality


by vortext

Someone got off the wrong foot...

by timezor
Second Helping

Can I have another, please?

Also by kevinthinksyourcute

by whssoftball11

Faerie Caverns Logic

I guess you have to try tomorrow!

by arijuka
Bargain or Bust?

I'm finally a Baby Aisha!

Also by sosuleaf

by marbear_4u

Random Oddness

This is why Dartenne needs supervision.

by mistyqee
Make Some Noise!

Make some noise with Balthazar!

by xsugarush
A Royal Problem

You have nothing to worry about...

by dopestarinc
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"Terry’s Terrible Mood and The Awesome Incredible Day" by kahlen369
It was a picture perfect day. The sun was shining brightly overhead, but soft wisps of clouds and the cool shelter of the large oak trees kept it from being too hot. There was a gentle breeze too, rustling at the leaves and tickling at her cheeks. A babbling brook cheerfully brought the sound of water to your ears, beckoning you closer, while the soft green grass was just right for Neopets to take a nap on it. Yes, everything in Neopia was absolutely perfect, from the bright blue sky above to the deep green grass below. You would be hard pressed to find anything wrong today, and that was exactly the problem with it! Because everything was just ridiculously perfect…. except for Terry’s mood. With a large frown stretched across his face, the blue Kacheek was the picture of an unhappy Neopet. Maybe being out here in the sunshine, with the day practically begging him to smile should’ve changed his mind. But Terry was firm. He was in a bad mood today, and he was going to stick to it! “Misery loves company,” they said. And it definitely hated happiness.

Other Stories


Of Silence: the Two Arts
“Uhm... well, I play it, sometimes,” he eventually decides to admit, seeming overwhelmingly embarrassed to do so, his voice hushed to a whisper. Honestly, him saying that he plays it "sometimes" is a gross understatement, but he would never admit that to Kanrik. Yet, at least. “I’ve, uh... Playing the violin is something I’ve done since I was a child.”

by theschizophrenicpunk


Terry’s Terrible Mood and The Awesome Incredible Day
Yes, everything in Neopia was absolutely perfect, from the bright blue sky above to the deep green grass below. You would be hard pressed to find anything wrong today, and that was exactly the problem with it! Because everything was just ridiculously perfect…. except for Terry’s mood.

by kahlen369


Inside the Neopian History: Jhudora
Jhudora is one of the most feared faeries in all Faerieland. Her purple and bright green clothes, her fierce and dark eyes, and the enormous castle above a bluff that she calls “home”, where she lives with her two scary bodyguards, Sarah and Daisy: all of those things contribute in creating an intimidating image. But, what do we, Neopians, really know about her?

by maga_m


Questing Through Neoquest I Step By Step
What if you really want that trophy on your user lookup or you really want those Neoquest I and II avatars, but either just haven’t gotten around to it or are simply overwhelmed by the task? Well, for those of you who find yourselves in this position, don’t worry; this addicted Neopian is here to provide some tips and tricks to make Neoquest not only doable, but even enjoyable.

by eleventh_muse


Nonlinear Companions: Post Meridiem: Part One
It had been a year since I had stepped the streets of the Meridell market. I was supposed to be meeting Westron at eleven, but I had been swept up in a wave of nostalgia. It was ten to, and I really ought to be heading to the park we first met in, but instead I was just standing there, staring up at the University. My old stomping ground. I wondered what it was like now, how much it would have changed?

by _starryeyedsurprise_


Southward Bound: Part Four
“Well, I could wish Furgles the Luckiest Babaa was here. There is a way to detach the artefact, and this device has hinted at how to reverse what it did, but there is one small problem in reversing it.”

by kaioti

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