There are ants in my Lucky Green Boots Circulation: 193,882,546 Issue: 720 | 18th day of Awakening, Y18
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Super Attack Pea Perspective

It's different for everyone.

Also by tedypicker

by sophieauditore

Baelia's Burdens #1

Why is the Grey Faerie so sad? Stay tuned to find out!

Also by alexipharmic

by certifiabletrash

I Want To Be A Mutant!

Um, not quite...

by laia_sam
Shopping For Clothes

You gotta look pretty, right?!

Also by erianoillim

by saudadesdagripe

Orvinn the First Rate

Poor choices mate.

Also by murillion.

by shadowlugia_92

The Abominable Snowstorm

Hey! What happened here?!

by flustre
Blast from the Past

We go way back, okay?

by ssjelitegirl
Step 2: Blockade the Trade Routes

Distracted by the cuteness.

Also by 0123kl

by bittersweet52

The Riddle of The Sphinx

Two travelers must answer...

by placebo_533
Random Oddness

That's quite a mutation there.

by mistyqee
Grave Danger Treasures

Hey there buddy. What have you got?

by ketchup547

When an apple is misleading about its roots.

by simbologies
Happy Spring!

Also by 987654321_hj

by piinkskullz

Kiko Not-So-Pop

Looks like Mr. Elvin learned a few tricks from the Deserted Fairground folks.

Also by chiefgrumpy

by joslucca3000

Nancy Casts Stupor

Insane mode is really hard

by qgqg
A Thief's Life - Sidekicks

Some just aren't cut out for the job.

by yoshisislandbandit
Beauty Contest Blues

"Um... I think the Beauty Contest avatar was released."

Also by parody_ham

by waterbird333

Tea Time: Carrot Goodness

Are you sure you want to eat those?

by actinia
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Your Friend: The Low Paying Flash Game

But what if that’s not fast enough for you? A lot of people will tell you to take up fighting in the battledome or trying to win contests. Those aren’t for everyone. Training takes forever and making content for contests is really hard! Believe me, I’ve tried. Restocking and auction sniping are anxiety riddled nightmares that feel like rocket science for plenty of people, so that’s out. What else is there?

Other Stories


The Wrong Side of the Law
The future is a scary place. At least this was the conclusion Siren had come to. The Desert Hissi had been dreading this moment for a long time, and now it had come he was still dreading it.

by light_faerie382


Usuki Singing Stars #30: No Place for Third
“Oh the travesty! The travesty!” Snaw wailed, flopping onto the living room sofa. “The travesty of it all and the red Elephantes!”

by downrightdude


Your Friend: The Low Paying Flash Game
A lot of people will tell you to take up fighting in the battledome or trying to win contests. Those aren’t for everyone. Training takes forever and making content for contests is really hard! Believe me, I’ve tried. Restocking and auction sniping are anxiety riddled nightmares that feel like rocket science for plenty of people, so that’s out. What else is there? Luckily for you, there is something else. Flash games.

by rocksysmom


The Pie Awards: Your Guide to the Best Pies
There is something special about a pie, from the first bite of flaky crust to the delicious warmth of the filling inside. Pies are simply the best and, as a pie aficionado, I decided it was time that someone compiled a list of the greatest pies to be found in all the lands. Now, as someone who enjoys a tasty pie, who better than me?

by katehoughtonbeckett


The Adventures of Trina: The Glass Key: Part One
I was skimming over my notes for the second time of the night when I was called down to the holding chamber. When my eyes adjusted to the dim lighting of the stone room, I could see why the Meerca took so many months for us to capture. His body didn’t even fill half of his seat—yet a favorable physique for a thief—and he was a veteran at his craft. On top of that, he boasted an elite record, having been an accomplice in the theft of King Coltzan’s crown.

by ummagine3284


Lord Faerigan - Fyora's Role in the Meridell Wars: Part Six
Valentine’s Day was a few weeks away but Faerieland was already busy preparing for their annual Valentine’s Day ball. Every year, Fyora would send out a special invitation to Lord Darigan, despite him ignoring them. Ever since the end of the wars with Meridell, Lord Darigan was hesitant to make any public appearances.

by black_skull725

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